Me and 2 other glads tested out the kods. Verdict: Its busted mang.


A change to the block tap to be 80% faster wrecks havoc on the weapon. A few things, it really cant defend anything everything still gets through. This kills any chance that people will be able to defend with kods and they can only choose to play offense spam.

The defense is SO bad that my friend tried to voidblock while I used a standing still jump-slash no cancel and he still got hit like 75% of the time. Essentially this completely trashes the sense of timing that players have learned because it cuts the time you are safe down to 20% compared to the old timing.

With macros you can do 6BF in one jump GG thanks Jetman. This basically is as fast as a low speed lawnmower. Your only option is to spam, since it can not voidblock half of the hits.