Hey all,

My name is Trav and I used to play in 07-12 on ijji's main server then a couple private servers once anti-lead was established and we all dipped our fingers in the pot. Recently I had an old friend, Sean, ask me to come back to the game. It's been over 3 years since I've played competitively so give me some slack for a couple weeks/months until I can reform.

I used to play under the names;


I was in Toveri in 2009-2010ish with nick, alan, and jon - if you need clarification you're a random to me.
I won the 1v1 tourney for gunz in 2009-2010
I was the first to integrate latedash into competitive play without looking like trash
I'm gunz incarnate

I find a lot of people impersonating me so not much has changed, I hope ya'll provide some challenge for me in the weeks following, legends are coming back to town.