IGN of reported player: Gael

Reason: Corruption and Threatening

Proof/Evidence: I know this isn't going to do anything and it's just a waste of time trying to report a staff member to other staff members but I think the players should see what kind of people run this server.

I posted a ban appeal because I'm a hug 3 pussy who got banned and this guy told me "Tell me about your bypass attempt or I'll add another month to your ban"... Number 1 mo****a that IS threatening whether you think so or not, number 2 **** you.

Then I send him a PM telling him my opinion of him and he replies telling me that my OPINION of him as a person will effect my chances of being unbanned. When I ask him to clarify that that is exactly what he is telling me he dodges the question.

The last message he sent me was just COMPLETELY unprofessional, like "Hey I was gonna do somethin but I don't like you so I'm just gonna TELL you I was gonna do it because not I'm not gonna do it".. Wtf is that? That's the most childish shit I've ever seen from a staff member..

I'm too lazy to go and look at his staff application but I'm sure if I did his age would be listed as 16 or under.

I just think the players should know that they have an underage, power hungry, corrupt, ****ish GM on the staff team.
and since this pretty much applies to 90% of the staff team I already know the only "punishment" to come from this thread is all of you telling me I'm being a bitch about it.
