Originally Posted by Gael View Post
GunZ isn't dead until all private servers/official servers close.
I mean.. Masangsoft bought the license/bought MAIET so.. there is some hope?

Originally Posted by Olifant View Post
its very easy...


And not the shitty way the host tournements here ofc, cuz how you hosting tournements now its shit obv.

Just look at the way ijji did it.
Top 16/32 clans of the month qualify for the tournement.
Make a thread the top 16/32 Leaders of clans can post their teams + runner ups + time they prefer to play.
Make a schedule with the knock out system and post it with the time how late every match with be.
A staffmember has to be in the room and has to record the match.

Well fck it, do whatever you want, not in the mood to continue
Not like ijji player base was 10-15x our player base that was online (not counting offline players)