IGN of reported player: Uprove,SixtyNeptune,GuessMyName.

Reason: [CW] Swapping. i and uprove won 4 games of cw we lost once
then they open new clan against us [Hiko - Sixty] vs [Uprove - GuessMyName]
First cw we won the next cw they keep the bullshit of swap,
they tryna to let us win every cw for get better score for the "weekly competitions"

[1] when guess logged in they ask for swapping i have not pic of that cuz i get disconnected,
then i said we swapping?

we played 3 clan wars in a row


Proof - http://imgur.com/a/XbbE5

check out the last four pictures

first i left the game cuz they said kick him in arabic
so i leave the room and they swap u can see clearly in the last four pictures i send they swapping.

i leave once score was 1-0
i join again the score get 2-0
i leave and join again he was 3-0

this clan called Fujitora