Fps Dropping out of no where so basically what happened was my fps was locked on 300 and it would not go up or down EVER no matter how many people are fighting it would not drop at all so today idk just for the heck of it i decided to change it to 1000 to see how high it could go and than i saw goes to like 600 okay so im like okay cool i put it back to 300 and NOW it will not lock on 300 and it keeps going down to 290,280,225 and it goes down all the way to 180 once theres to many players shooting at each other for example like a training room or Tdm some one please help this is very annoying that it will not lock anymore it was perfect like 10 mins ago and now its all messed up i tried to restart my pc didnt work i reinstalled too it didnt work so someone help i also put it to 400 it would stay good but as soon as alot of people are there it shoots down and its really bad also my laptop is on high performance mode