Originally Posted by Linzor View Post
Like I just said, we're not allowed to ignore.
Have you seen any of us go afk to mute someone? Need to upload evidence then get to his account and mute, know for how long you have to mute him depending on previous times and etc. It takes time and people don't like when it takes time, just means more angry/annoyed people which means more spammers, flamers and bla.

Here's just another typical guy flaming because he didn't get any coins, who thinks making a public thread about it is going to change anything. When Chef sees this thread he's gonna be like "Idk why u guys keep making these threads HOW MANY TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU TO STOP YOU FUKERS
if you got a problem with the game moderators or how someone hosts events then private message an admin about it".
I got no problem bruh.