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  1. #1
    #1Chef's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    #1 Could you describe who Dave is in 20 Words?
    #1 Could you describe who George is in 20 Words?

    George - Dave is amazing, friendly, generous, diligent, hard-working, loyal, very motivated and a trustworthy person who will never let you down.
    Dave - Someone who is loyal and dedicated. Although some people judge him only based on what they have seen of him on the forum and FGunZ, he's a really cool person to talk to when you get to know him.

    #2 Do you prefer texting someone or talking to them face to face, and why?
    George - I would highly prefer face to face talking rather than texting someone.
    For men | in general, you can always see the mood of the other person and his facial expressions, it helps you improve your social communications skills. As for the girls, best part is exchanging eye contacts, face-to-face smile is way better than an emote over Facebook/Skype, it also helps you developing a better body language.
    Dave - Depends really. Some things I rather do through texting and some things face to face.
    If I must pick one, I would pick face to face since that way you can expect a direct answer and you can potentially see if someone is lying by the look on their face.

    #3 If money was no object, what would you do all day?
    George - Definitely travelling around the world exploring unseen places and photography, it's one of the things I really want to do right now but sadly money are keeping me away from doing it.
    Dave - I would probably first enjoy life and travel the world for a couple of years. At some point I want to feel useful though and just start a company or do work for a company.

    #4 What has been your biggest challenge in your life so far?
    George - Popping the cherry I never had huge challenges, if anything - I'd call it experiences or memories where I have huge adrenaline and being under pressure but I don't recall having a huge challenge yet.
    Dave - I was depressed many years ago, before I even joined FGunZ, that was a challenge to overcome.

    #5 University or life experience, which do you feel best prepares you for life?
    George - Obviously life experience over university prepares you best for your future, not only because you can develop yourself with hard work almost everything university would teach you but also because life experience would give you a hand with almost everything from community services to being self confident of yourself being a great leader/manager.
    Dave - University. Although life experience gives you vocational experience, you can do more with a degree of a university.

    #6 What one thing would you change if you could start over?
    George - My biggest regret so far is spending hundreds of hours playing video games when I was younger instead of focusing on my goals and career as a coder/designer, I wish I have realised the importance of time in my early days.
    If I could start over, I would definitely focus early on developing my coding experience instead of playing video games, by the time I reach 20 (again), I would be working in a well paid business company.
    Dave - Not waste so much time on damn games when I was a teenager.

    #7 Do you consider yourself an introvert or an extrovert?
    George - I consider myself an extrovert, as I mentioned above, I love face to face communication, developing social skills is unique and very useful for your future.
    Dave - A bit of both. That would make me an ambivert.

    #8 Is what you’re doing now what you always wanted to do growing up?
    George - I have always wanted to work in a company full of programmers and designer but due to my lack of experience and reputation, I have to stick with freelancing which also suits me well, I would still prefer to work in a huge company over freelancing though.
    Dave - No. When I was young, I wanted to become a chef at first and then work in a bakery. I'm a website developer so that's the completely opposite. I still like to cook and bake though.

    #9 Where do you see yourself in 10 years time?
    George - Hopefully I would either in America or Denmark working as a full time job front-end developer, my plans right now are to gain as much experiences as possible as a front-end developer and designers so I could push bachelor, work in a small coding company until I get decent reputation and emigrate in either USA or Denmark.
    Dave - No idea honestly, I just do what I feel like is best for me and see where I will end up.

    #10 What do you think about when you’re by yourself?
    George - Mostly about what I have done in my life so far, how lazy I am sometimes and have no motivation or intention of working/developing, how happy I am because I met a (best) friend who truly cares about me, how much technology would improve in the next 20-30 years and so on, there are too many thoughts to count them.
    Dave - I think about all the reasons why I should not give yuul the E.L.I.T.E. rank on the forums. For real: nothing, I don't sit and stare at nothing. It's a waste of time.

    #11 Who is your favourite musician and why?
    George - I don't have a favourite musician, however, I have 3 favourite YouTube channels I love listening to - Diveristy, xKito Music & Kyra
    Dave - I have no favourite musician because I like a bunch of different genres. If I must pick one genre, it would be drum & bass > Pendulum.

    #12 If you could bring back one staff member from any of the past staff members who would you bring back and why?
    George - Nigel - the one and only official Head-GM, he knew how to manage the other staff members, they would always pay attention to what he states. QNaL/Kunal - professional Game Moderator, friendly and highly experienced as Nigel. Miranda - FG is lacking of huge management right now, ever since her leaving the Manager position due to inactivity, the staff team doesn't seem to be that active lately. I could add a lot of ELITE members who could improve FGunZ but I know they are never coming back as they have been offline for 2 years now.
    Dave - If we're talking about many years ago, it would be AderZ. We used to be best buddies.

    #13 What was your favourite nickname that you had during your time at FGunZ?
    George - My favourite nickname back in the days was EvilBunny because people who played in 2007 could recognize me after 3-4 years on the forum, the joy is amazing.
    Dave - Stroopwafels (SyrupWaffles).
    It was my first ever name on FGunZ that I used. I chose that name because I was eating those cookies when I first stared at the character creation screen of FGunZ.

    #14 What is one moment either on Forum or In-game that you consider your favourite moment on FGunZ?
    George - Making it to trial Game Moderator for first time, I was very excited about it as I was getting into tech field at that moment and working with the admin panel made me truly happy since it has taught me how things work out (both client/server-sided).
    Dave - When I got promoted to administrator?

    #15 If you could swap bodies with someone for a day, who would it be and why?
    George - I would go for Dave so I could send myself over 50,000 coins and afterwards delete the transaction log, I bet neither Dave nor McSic will notice it ever.
    Dave - If we're talking about the physical appearance only, then no one. I'm fine in my own body right now.

    #16 What is the weirdest thing you've ever done in public that you regret to this day?
    George - Being 11-12 years old slapping the butts of kawaii girls, I once tripped into a girl's butt accidentally while running trying to go for the butt slap, not disappointed.
    Dave - Hmm I don't think I've ever done something weird in public. (Not that I can remember anyway)

    #17 If you could go anywhere in the world where would you go and why?
    George - I would love to visit Japan, it's probably one of the best countries in my opinion considering how amazing the temples and shrines are, the quality and taste of the food (Sushi, Ramen, Kobe beef, etc), the amazing and beautiful Sakura Bloom tree, the cosplays - anime culture and their amazing festivals, I would do everything in the distant future to visit Japan, definitely will do.
    Dave - Well I've been to many countries already, but I'd love to go to Asia someday and visit countries such as Thailand and Malaysia.

    #18 If you were incarnated what would you be incarnated as and why?
    George - I would be incarnated as a bird, any would do, I just can't stop thinking about flying - exploring the world, closing your eyes and feeling the fresh air in your face and body, the amount of relaxation and how stress-relieving flying would be, it's just astonishing.
    Dave - A gorilla. I always wanted to throw my own shit at other living beings.

    #19 If both of you were stuck on a Island who do you think will die first and why?
    George - Neither one of us would die, even if one has the thought of killing the other one, he still wouldn't sacrifice his morals.
    I would do everything in my powers to keep my only company alive, you could always explore the water for fish/crab, eat plants even if they don't taste good - they contain small amount of protein and vitamins but there is no way I'd leave a friend of mine give up his life for being stuck on an island.
    Dave - George because I will kill him and eat his flesh.

    #20 If you could have one superpower, what would it be and how would you use it?
    George - I have been thinking about time traveling, flying, superhuman speed but I believe I would go for superior intellect which allows me to use my brain on higher percentage level, with that being said, one who could use his brain on 100%, would be able to communicate via telepathy, you would have the experience of creating high-end technology that would allow you to either fly or have inhuman speed, the list could go on and on if you could that super power of using your brain on 100%.
    Dave - Ability to cure any kind of disease such as cancer.

    This Spotlight is brought to you by Starbucks and The Russian Federation

    Next Player Spotlight will be posted on Wednesday (September 21st 2016).
    Leave a comment below if you got an interesting/fun/special question for the next Player Spotlight.

  2. The following 12 users say thank you to #1Chef for this useful post:

    Camel (09-12-2016), GeorgeGFX (09-12-2016), k1ng_musa (09-12-2016), Notorious (09-12-2016), Ommadawn (09-12-2016), Resort (09-12-2016), Sam (09-12-2016), Stuwadie (09-12-2016), Sunfire (09-12-2016), TomasEdison (09-12-2016), yuul (09-12-2016), «Benjamin» (09-12-2016)

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