IGN of reported player: ^2U^9-^2S^9-Polo and Debit

Reason: Well, in the following videos you can see how Debit gives free kills to USPolo cuz Hang was winning in weekly competition.

Proof/Evidence: Sorry for the long videos XD:
FIRST REPLAY: https://www.sendspace.com/file/qzlguh (Check out how Debit only aim to the other players and not to USPolo, and when he's hurt he lets himself die by US Polo)
SECOND REPLAY: https://www.sendspace.com/file/mkejcn (Doing the same shit)
THIRD REPLAY: https://www.sendspace.com/file/gcgwvv (Ok, in this replay look how USPolo gets his 54° kill, Debit had the berseker and let himself die for USPolo)

I have some images that prove all this: https://imgur.com/a/gFgkx . Ok, Now, why Debit created a new character and is always playing in all the rooms that is USPolo? This is very obvious...