Originally Posted by Taint View Post
You actually aggravate me, of course I've read it, why else would I tell you it's STILL shitty?
Get off your high horse. It's not about ****ing fps, get your shit straight. I said GAMEPLAY wise, meaning your game mechanics which portrays a very heavy playstyle and impaired movement. and less of the visual shit. What you did didn't fix it and again I repeat myself, has nothing to do with FPS.
Do YOU ever take into consideration what people say here is what's in need of work?
what your saying I actually understand like its not about the gameplay tbh its about the smoothness and ur right it has nothing to do with the fps but its kinda rude to ask for something from a developer when theirs actually no evidence in the code itself as he said to such a thing occuring, but yeah I understand completely but theirs no need to come off so aggressive tbh..

but I agree I don't blame s1lent though even before he was developer we've asked about the anti-lead & smoothness of the game in comparison to other servers and its never been taken into consideration as much as needed.