Originally Posted by Qwin View Post
I dont like how FG's forum has become nothing but locked threads. What was the point of shutting down discussion in the discussion section?
It wasnt like this last time I was around on the forums and its pretty shitty. Some sort of automatic lock or just mods manually stifling threads?

Huh I didnt expect you to have to pay for just to test it but bufferbloat is relatively easy to solve, provided you can get into your router settings and your ISP doesnt lock you out. The jumps in pings from 20-50 like what the users are complaining about are due to the inconsistent speed of your latency. You can reduce the gap by adding a cap to your speeds and reach a stable connection that doesnt jump all over the place. It typically doesnt take much to fix bufferbloat, just capping 3-10% of the bandwidth will stablize it.

Bad Wifi connections shouldnt be tolerable for gaming, so if your clanmate has a poor wifi router he should look into getting either a better router, or an ISP that has better connection infrastructure for the nodes so he can improve the signal. But really the best and simplest solution is that he should be on a wired connection like everyone else, bad wifi users getting shit on is nothing new and has happened since igunz 2004, theres no reason it should get accepted.
That information was useful. Will see if it helps. I think I'm unable to test it as the Internet speed seems to exceed their test limit. Or at least their "free" version.

Yeah we're trying to see if anything can be done for him. I use a wired connection as well cause my modem is right beside me xD. But not sure if he's able to fix an lan cable all the way to his router. Sigh.
We'll see what we can do. Thanks for the input.