IGN of reported player: ^FEagle^C

Reason: Eagle hosted a Circle of Mines event.
He called one by one and Exvert was first. I was watching ^9T^0omer^C and he was the second guy to jump into the circle.
He got ready to jump into it and when Eagle called him, _GeT_ReaDy__ jumped into it. But Eagle didn't call his name.
Tomer told him that it's not fair but he didn't reply and ignored him, our clanmates told him that it's not fair too (Lin, Jesse, Rage & Me) but he didn't reply to them and he continued.
_GeT_ReaDy__ was stuck to the ground and Eagle didn't slap him, He called the third player to jump into the circle and that was Jesse.
Jesse fell on the mines because _GeT_ReaDy__ blocked the circle, We told Eagle to slap him but he didn't reply.
Eagle kicked Jesse and Tomer and when they were kicked to the lobby Tomer whispered Eagle to tell him that it's not fair and if he can get 1 more chance to participate in the event but Eagle told him that he can switch team although Tomer just wanted to play in the event fairly like all the players in game.

Proof/Evidence: https://www.sendspace.com/file/zxwehs , http://i.imgur.com/tYvTKWD.jpg.
Unfortunately, we didn't take screenshots of the chat because we didn't know that something like that will happen.

http://i.imgur.com/05wJQOv.jpg - I whispered Eagle and ask him if he will send Tomer his EP or we will report him and he told me 'go report'.
http://i.imgur.com/kzU6Q91.jpg - While I was watching the record Eagle told me again to report him.

#Reporting for tomer.