Originally Posted by loneeagle View Post
Actualy we was all chilling then a couple guys showed up talking shit and non bowing.
After this more pep wanted to join room so we made new bigger room with the name GCROWN Bow ore kick didnt make any tags at all
32 player instead of 8 player
but the shittalkers followed and kept saying stupid shit like EZ and SHITCLAN etc. and non bowing so i wanted to kick but my clannies told me not to trying to defuse the situation.
that room was full of ego and i /ignored like 4 pep after my clannies told me not to go into discussions and im kinda sure u was one of them cuz u was talking shit the whole time.
Watch repley if you dont believe me, i got it recorded also. 9 dif pep was trying to defuse the situation but all ya'll just kept talking shit
So im just gonna ask you again. Are you ok? You got bullied as a kid ore something? Why can you just be nice men. We are all just trying to play a game calm down.
this is the most lies i have seen u say (not your clan, just u because ik your whole clan be lying about how good they are now). U didn't defuse any situation and u were non bowing me along with idk like 5 others? Faith, Kakashi, Lizard, Alegra, Gorilla, and a few more i cant think of right now all trash talk me and try their best to non bow me and ego on me. its getting to the point where its depressing when i think of GCrown and i know for a fact u didn't want people to think like that of your clan faith. Im not going to lie and say im the best in fgunz or anything because im clearly not, and im not saying that all of GCrown is bad but the people that represent GCrown like you Faith put a bad name to it. Kakashi is a decent glad and we were good friends at one point so im not gonna say hes trash anymore, but the rest of those i listed is just a disappointment.