Apart from acting important playing judge, which many have no experience in the legal field whatsoever, they are incapable of sentencing by the concept of precedents as much as they are incapable of tracking physical IPs to find out if it's the same recalcitrant starting shit in-game. With no bullshitting(legal) or technical(Perlscript or even some SQL) for tracking, seriously what are you good for? Anyone can do your job.
For instance, mrekt is known for starting shit and flaming while taking the first opportunity to reject whisper and screenshotting favorable circumstantial evidence and someone needs to put him in his place. Without even ASKING or suspecting any foul play leading up to the events, sentences are meted. So it happens I get repercussions for doing that.

Here's my question to you Ommadawn, with no skillset to perform your function, what are you doing in that position as a GM? Literally anyone would have better analytical or technical skills.

*P.S I expect a lot of bootlickers with no substance supporting him, as is the general populace in any controlled demographic.