For cake, hue hue hue:

IGN of reported player: Nob and Nab

Reason: "Allowing it's friend to join/play event eventho the players did not follow what the host had said (Nob or Nab).
This was the Fasshion Show event, where you had 3 minutes to dress up, the host gave everyone 3 minutes, Bunny guy is the host's friend so he was kicked as he was in inventory after 3 minutes, then the host doesn't change password and lets the kicked players in, (around 10-20sec wait). The host is clearly letting Bunny guy enter the room cause he is their friend. I talked with the host and the host says they are allowed back in (here the host goes mad at me says I made this event and I know what to do, like wtf? that kind of attitude is not needed in our community..) but as you can see they can get kicked and come back which is not fair and within the 10-20 sec they can go inventory whilst in lobby and get dressed up which is pathetic... I believe a rule should be added to the event or clearly prevent these host from supporting their friends and keep out of the so-cold 'Friend-Zone' between the host and the player within the Event Channel. This probably aint the first time I came across, those host probably do the same in different events to let Bunny have some-what favour upon others
I believe the Bunny guy should be banned from all events or just prevent these host from favouring him which is highly pathetic from my pt of view "

Proof/Evidence: Nob & Nab & people in event