IGN of reported player: Jesus

Reason: unkick player who deserves a kick (kicked fairly)
we were in the room and musturdcake was annoying not only being in the glitch and shooting people/killing ... but he was also abusing and harassing me and everyone....
so he got kicked for that.... and after he got kicked.. jesus joined the room and started saying that he got kicked unfairly.... tho she wasn't even in the room to know if musturd got kicked fairly or not. so she unkicked him cuz he is her friend...
after musturd got kicked he whispered jesus to unkick him by saying "he was kicked unfairly"
i think musturd is using jesus like a source to be unkicked from anyroom as what he's doing everyday.... and as you can see... the room had more than 20 players.. so people can choose if they want him or not...so the vote was made.... and more than 20 ppl decided if he should stay or not... and he got kicked.. which means that the majority of the room wants him out. , i don't think dat jesus should join the room and unkick musturd ..... logically , when 20+ people wants him out.... 1 person cant decide and take a decision by him self when he doesn't know why musturd got kicked and also hes allowed to do that only in the event channel.
Proof/Evidence: https://imgur.com/a/GxuyE