Originally Posted by Amers View Post
Why not just decrease the random spread generator to a point where it still generates a random spread pattern each shot, but it's less random, I hope that makes sense.
I agree, anything to make it less RNG and more skill is a positive in my opinion.

Originally Posted by McSic View Post
I could add a "no RNG spread" room modifier.
I have created a fixed pattern for testing purposes, it'd be easy to add it as room tag.

But we do already have a high amount of room tags and we don't want to add more to it.
It definitely could change the dynamic of the game if shotguns were more consistent with damage output. Even I'm not sure if the community would be for or against something like that, but I don't think adding one more room tag would really frustrate anyone, at least it would give people a chance to see if they like it more/less when the random factor isn't so big in fights.