Originally Posted by Gemi View Post
he does move faster than average without LD and dashbreak but not to the point im sure its OC.
What im sure of is he is medding 1000ms delay meds with only 300ms more or less.
He tumbles allot especially in garden and just looking at the tumbles alone are enough to suggest it's nothing like OC, however yes I can see certain times his meds are dropped quick but then at the same time there's other times where they are dropped at a normal rate and rather slow too, I can't explain how it's happening, if it's due to a spike at the time of him medding since a spike of ping can cause a replay to capture gameplay appearing faster at the specific time of the spike, for him to be OCing just for meds is near impossible to do and quite frankly pointless, however I'm of only one GM therefore it will require other GM's to overlook the report so remain patient.