Reviewing this month's CW's where the stated clan "Cobra" has participated we can, AND as my fellows #1Chef and Zeus stated, notice most of won Clan Wars are against people of the same internet cafe, this might be in 2 different chances, both considered as swapping no matter how you look on them, using the alternative accounts of every member whenever clan needs to get points quick and the other chance is having a deal or some agreements with other players from that same place or same country, in any case we can see both used, seemingly most of times the use of alt accounts... Like against the now dead clan "LionKingdom", owned until disbanded by Cobra's Leader, MrBang, in any case this is all considered swapping which isn't allowed, this isn't the only case, my fellow #1Chef mentioned some clans used for swapping, reviewing these cw logs it's clear there is a swapping in any cases mostly just by the round win/lose serious differences 4-0 or 4-1.
I think(and now viewing that clan rankings have been updated for this month half) the clan Cobra must get removed every single point won against TastyChicken, Demons and LionKingdom and left out of the ranking since what they are always trying to do is getting the first or second place to receive rewards, money or coins, doing this will get them out of top 3 and should be a good and clear punishment for their swapping, even though it's kind of strategy doing what they do, it's still considered as swapping and deserves a good punishment that shows them that anything they can do like this kind of "strategy" will get them in serious troubles. I would say more stuff but my fellows already said everything.
