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  1. #1
    Dam's Avatar Junior Member

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    ign : ^9Dani^M
    Reason : kicked me from the events.
    A few minutes ago Dani hosted Rfs event i think i was fine because all fine to me, but he killed me in the 2nd round (Jail map) and 3rd round (Elementary map ) of the 1st event and he said that i was spiking i asked him to send me the records he dont want to and he said that i need to record the events by myself, i cant do that because if i do i will get drop fps. in the next round (4th) in sewer map in the end of the round he checked a player and he said that he want to check the previous round because that player won the pervious round and he was spike in the 4th round i just said "yes do it Dani " he kicked me from the event and he said that go give order to someone else not to me.
    Is is a reason to kick me from the event ? you can see that in those screenshots.
    Sorry i dont have records because icant record while im playing ,you said that im spiking prove it @Dani .
    in the next event Berserker in the 1st round (Battle arena map) he kicked me and he said that i was spiking
    i dont have records because i cant record while im playing...
    [NOTICE] :This problem only with Dani .
    Last edited by Dam; 08-11-2018 at 09:58 PM.

  2. #2
    Daniel's Avatar certified lover boy 𓅓

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    You should stop complain and report me for every peep.
    It looks like you always looking for me in order to cause me demotion, it starts to annoy me!
    That's not the first time that I slap you due to spiking / laggy movements, and I'm sure you're aware of this.
    You reported me a few times for slapping you due to the reasons I stated above and ALL of the reports got declined.

    in the next round (4th) in sewer map in the end of the round he checked a player and he said that he want to check the previous round because that player won the pervious round and he was spike in the 4th round i just said "yes do it Dani " he kicked me from the event and he said that go give order to someone else not to me.
    Is is a reason to kick me from the event ? you can see that in those screenshots.
    You ordered me 3 times (or even more) to "go watch the replay" / "give me the replay". Look, I'm not your solider and I don't have to make any order you tell me to. Your behavior has gone too far and from now on, every time you break a rule in MY events - you will be pkicked from the WHOLE set. I'll also talk to the other ET's to act accordingly.

    you said that im spiking prove it @Dani .
    Firstly, I don't have to prove you anything. More than that, all of your reports on me got declined. So what does it actually show? You just hunt me and that's it.
    Secondly, If you think I'm going to send you the replays here - you're wrong, if any GM wants the replays he can send me a private message on forums/skype.

    PS: I'll be inactive for the next 5 days due to the reason I noted in our staff section, so don't expect me to reply to this useless report.

    I didn't come this far just to come this far, and not be happy. - Kim K.

  3. #3
    #1Chef's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Seems like both of you don't have a recording of the incident nor do you have screenshots of pings. Therefore going off of just words is useless. I understand you were spamming him in order to get the proof but it's still no reason to constantly whisper and constantly repeat the same statement, that's just irritating, to anyone. Next time collect more evidence if you want a valid report Dam.


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