Just caught myself up with the recent drama, can't believe you guys are actually arguing about this lmao, just because he's your friend you're willing to fight to the death for him even though you all know he was advertising if you bother to read the ToS. If it was some random that whispered DQ and got banned, none of you would give a shit. If you guys even bother to just look at recent advertising reports where multiple players were banned for advertising another server through whispers you wouldn't even consider bitching like this.

Oh and your other defence for him being "everyone knows about the other server come on get real". Can I just ask you something? Are you dumb? That's not the point fools, if it was we wouldn't be banning all these advertisers would we? Might as well unban every advertiser with that logic.

It's so pathetic how with everything wrong with the server, you guys somehow always find a way to blame us GMs. Your friend made a mistake, accept it jesus christ. A bunch of salty people that can't accept the fact that their mate was stupid enough to do something so ridiculous and expected to get away with it.

"The server is dying!" let's blame the GMs instead of the lack of updates (no offence admins). Ridiculous.