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  1. #1
    Junior Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    IGN : Sly / Pepperjack
    Reason : Either hitbox and/or aimfix. I'm not entirely sure, but something is definitely off.

    Evidence :

    Screen shoots -

    Watch this replay of a couple rounds to get a grasp of his game-play - .
    Imo this clip is already enough to prove that he's unlegit.
    He doesn't aim at all. Just shoots randomly and at times ends up hitting without the actual HIT. At times he even shoots when there isn't anyone to shoot at. Does way too much damage for someone who plays like a random.
    Also he either hits super hard or no hits at all. Nothing in-between.
    Consistently does incredibly high damage every round (even with one red shotgun) when he wasn't playing nearly capable of it until the last week or so.
    Such high, consistent damage output is not possible even for top tier players with this v8 hitbox and any experienced player will agree to the same.

    Evidence 1 :
    Edited clip -
    Original clip -

    Does a instant 1v2 without hitting any of us. Dmg done after 4 shots is 320. He shoots the opposite wall and Opertunisc dies instantly; misses me entirely as well [in the 3rd round of the replay]

    Evidence 2 :
    Edited clip -
    Original clip -

    Enters base with 0 damage. Goes in and only hits 2 shots. Dmg done after is 266. Max damage is 264 with 2 limitbreakers.

    Evidence 3 :
    Edited clip -
    Original clip -

    Enters base with 315 dmg. HITS one pb, proceeds to miss everything else, hits his last random shot. Dmg becomes 625. Dmg dealt is 310. Seems like his pellets redirected on missed shots and accounted for the extra damage somewhere.

    Evidence 4 :
    Edited clip -
    Original clip -

    Starts off with 77 damage. First hit to mummy barely does anything as more than half the body was already covered by the wall(and you can see pellets landing on the wall instead of opponent). Proceeds to 1v1 guy in yellow pants. Gives 3 hits and kills him. Damage counter is now at 392. Which means he did close to 300 to a single guy, which is impossible. Only plausible reason to this is that his shots that missed were doing damage to the mummy too.

    Evidence 5 :
    Edited clip -
    Original clip -

    Starts with 583 damage on the scoreboard, goes out into the garden. Tries to hit Tsumei 3 times but none of them HIT. All shots completely landed on the green parts of the garden.
    He had 679 damage after those 3 missed shots before he went inside to chase Tsumei near the water/AP area. Does another 96 damage before dying on top of the 679 somehow, without hitting any pellets.
    If you observe these screenshots from the replays very carefully, you'll be able to count all 12 missed pellets for all 3 shots on the ground/walls.

    Evidence 6 :
    Edited clip -
    Original clip -

    Starts with 56 damage on the scoreboard before killing Aeonflux13 and ends up with 388 damage after. Didn't shoot or slash anyone else. 56->388 = 332 damage increase after hitting and killing ONE person that didn't heal. Where did the other dmg come from?

  2. #2
    Junior Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    I also want to add on that, if you're considering using distance lag as an explanation of how he is actually hitting but shows that he isn't on my replays, keep in mind the v8 hitbox and also pellet spread and also the fact that he is not taking time to actually aim. It is impossible to hit that hard CONSTANTLY if you take those factors into consideration.

  3. #3
    Junior Member

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    Feb 2018

    Screenshots -
    Replays -

    This is him today, after i made the report. This is how he really plays. He is not hacking in these replays.
    He is struggling to do any sort of damage that comes close to the clips from the above report.

    Compare how he is when he toggles it on to these replays where he just gets absolutely shit on.
    Misses all his shots, even if he hits, which he is clearly struggling to do so, he barely hits for any large amount anymore.
    It is ridiculous how different it is when he toggles it on compared to when he has it off.
    Goes from easily dealing 500-1000 damage a round to struggling to even reach 300 damage a round.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I have watched the replays and I think he is definitely using something. Here is why;

    Evidence 1: In this clip we see Sly attacking MARSHMELLOW around top ammo, but something is off. He misses all the shots on MARSHMELLOW in the replay, but MARSHMELLOW takes a lot of damage every time he shoots. Even with 104 ping that shouldn't happen. Something suspicious indeed.

    Evidence 2: In this clip nothing serious is going on here. The 266 damage comes from the slash at the end. You see the enemy recoiling from him slash.

    Evidence 3: In this he misses everything again but still doing a lot of damage. When Sly kills MARSHMELLOW you see that his aim is entirely off. Again really suspicious.

    Evidence 4: You said that he almost did 300 person to a single guy in the yellow pants (Montage_). Montage_'s Hp and AP is 125 and 105, which makes 230 in total. 77 damage (his start damage) + 230 (Montage_'s total hp/ap_= 307. So that means Sly dealth 85 damage to MARSHMELLOW on that first hit. 104 ping is not a big difference at all. That shouldn't have done 85 damage.

    Evidence 5: I have watch this clip over and over again and I am still not sure where his damage is coming from.
    I have asked Tsumei himself what the ping difference was between him and Sly. It was 20-25 he said. So where does the 80+ damage come from when he doesn't hit a single bullet? Even if the difference was above 100 he shouldn't have done 80+ damage there when you could count all the pellets on the bushes/ ground. Again something is off.

    Evidence 6: So in order to see where his other damage comes from you have to be really quick in the replay. I remembered Sly comes after Haunter. I memorized it so i could see what was happening in the beginning of the replay. So in the beginning he was air dueling against someone else and hit an opponent. That is where his other damage came from. Nothing really suspicious here.

    I can clearly see the difference between the first 6 replays/gifs and the evidence you gave us later. I see his normal playstyle now. This is probably because several players accused him and threatened to report him. The shots he missed weren't dealing any damage or they did 22 at max. When I watched the replays where I actually thought he would do some big damage, but he did like 55 at most. Really, really different.

    Anyway, I believe he is using some sort of hack. I am not sure what it is however. If I had to say it it would either be hitbox, aimfixing or even both. He does an insane amount of damage even when he misses or shoots far from the enemy despite low pings. But since I am not entirely sure I would like to know other GM's opinions.

  5. #5
    Junior Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2018
    Clearer explanation for evidence 4 to make things easier for you guys

  6. #6
    #1Chef's Avatar FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    So I've watched a lot of the replays and read your explanations as well as the statements in the other report on the user and I've come to the conclusion that the user is using, and it has to be hitbox. Here's why, there's no way it can be OC'ing or UC'ing simply because there's no proof of the user moving faster than normal or slower than normal through the use of either of these, one of the more obvious signs of OC / UC. And it can't be any sort of shotbot because there's too many instances where the user is aiming at the target but shots don't fire.

    The ping being 100 doesn't justify a lot of the instances in these replays, there's too many to count in these replays where the user deals damage in situations where it's simply impossible, shots that are completely off and still deal damage. Therefore by having a bigger target to aim at I can see how it's possible for the user to deal that damage. If the ping was nearer to the 160-200 range it would make more sense but there's even instances where he's doing the same thing to people who are in the same region as him, i.e. have a low ping to him and he still does some very illogical hits.

    In conclusion - I strongly believe the user is guilty of using hitbox.

  7. #7
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012

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