#4 Who is the person you trust most from the Freestylers Community?
A: I'd say steff but we haven't seen him in years, so if I had to choose from the current active members it would probably Ommadawn.
Wow I thought we were like best pals by now, that hurts meng. No get out of jail free cards for you now.

#2 Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
A: Settled down with a wifey, 2 kids and a dog. Hopefully working internationally (Preferably USA or Spain), doing the work I love most, marketing.
I would pick spain if I was you, couldn't even spell correctly in the first sentence of this interview.

#8 What’s one thing you couldn't live without?
A: My Lisa Ann fleshlight.

#13 What is one thing you’re glad you tried but would never do again?
Stick to weed.

#14 What are you interested in that most people haven’t heard of or wouldn't think you would be interested in?
A: Elderly care, I go walking with a group of elderly women in a wheelchair (including my grandma) every 2 weeks.
All fun and shit until you have to wipe their asses. Been there and done that. Can't smell, but still.

Nice interview.