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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2014
    YSL ddosing

    He doesn't openly say it but my internets been down twice in this week both times which I was on gunz in the same room as him and you can ask ganggbangg for proof as he was just in the room before I went down they kicked him and everyone else out the tdm (them being gtr and ysl) put pw on room just so no1 else can enter and get my IP and ddos me lol..

    how would he know this info about me when he doesnt even know who I am on this character..

    im pretty sure im not the only one so just cause they dont openly say they ain't ddosing doesnt mean they're not so actually ban them its not just one person making stuff up

    and this was the last one basically they kicked everyone after tdm rounds finished and then put pw on room and ddosd me moments into the new game..

    if this isnt bannable idk what is you can just check server logs of my account n how it just randomly goes offline

    just when I was writing this post I got ddosd again and again..

    this is gangbangs POV before I go down talkin to me moments before i get offline and you can see ysl cockily copying what I say in all chat like cause he knows of what he just did..

    I'm pretty sure im not the only one plenty of people complaining their must be a point where you stop and just realise all these wide spread of different people arent making it up and dont need 100% proof of them saying 'WE ARE DDOSING YOU NOW.' to get banned.

    thank you now I go to restart my router cause they never heard of dynamic IP maybe if I was in cyprus still boys omegalul.

    Edit 11:13 to now check again ingame after calling him out he ddosd me again 3times in 1hr
    got ddosd again while editing this this is cool, if this doesnt really get him banned illl be shocked..

    legit 7-8 times in 1 hour

    also want to add I remember dante complaining about him in chatbox on forum a few days ago of him ddosing him also and everyone knows how much dante hates me on fg and i hate him but jesus christ I can put shit aside just to get this nerd banned this is ridiculous.. I guess I shouldn't smack kids on gunz anymore if this is how salty they going to get..

    also just got given this by gang

    pretty sus hes worried about what might happen to him? because hes ACTUALLY doing it after this report

    please remove this scum asap and remove evidence of that gangbang discord chat also after even if accepted or declined because its private.

    also please delete evidence if you find this not enough which I really doubt you to find it not enough or just plain stupid and plan to lose more people who play this game.
    Last edited by Traumatiser; 02-01-2019 at 02:36 PM.

  2. #2
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    YSL has been banned for DDoS. Thanks for reporting.

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