Originally Posted by DaBoyFlitzle View Post
Hello all, its me. Whatever you want to name me ill take it. But one person i will name who is trash is starpower oh and loulan. Well they are basically one person because both are pretty trash. idk how they still even have a gunz career tbh, maybe they just keeping the trashman a source of income. i can still smell the shit stains of their diapers ive had to take out. true gods of gunz. nawww wut im sayin'? anyways i hope the best for these two since gunz wasnt their forte, i hope maybe they get famous like the cash me outside girl did, by being a little bitch. ok sorry back to my real orginal reasoning for this post.

YourStar im back for you, i believe you're old enough now right? Haha if that's the case, i bought this ring a year ago waiting for this moment. Since Shayla never really wanted me, you were always the one in the back of mind, but i really wanted you infront of my crotch. i mean face. But yeah im back for you sweety, and i hope you've aged well.

Love you Mia.