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  1. #1
    Jakanadin's Avatar ThatGarboGamer

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Anyone playing The Division 2 on PC?

    Feel free to add me!

    IGN: Jakanadin

    Clan: Sadaforia

    Reach out to me on Discord (Jakanadin#1318) if you'd like to talk to me since I obviously suck at getting back on here hah, just let me know who it is <3!

  2. #2
    Linzor's Avatar White shores, and beyond

    Join Date
    Sep 2013
    I've been too busy playing Sekiro but just finished that and was curious about this one. I saw it got a lot of good feedback but I need to find out more about how it differs from the first game because I did not enjoy that one for very long. Would you happen to know anything about that?

  3. #3
    Jakanadin's Avatar ThatGarboGamer

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Well, I was pretty heavy into The Division 1. After spending $99.99 (Can get it on-sale now three years later less than $20 fml) on the Gold Edition, you bet your sweet bippy I was going to make myself enjoy the game.

    Did quite a bit of the end game content of The Division 1 before all of the DLC came out, hacked it and was a shitty hacker that never got caught with the old Dev Mike on here lolol. Quit not too long after that and forgot about it.

    Only reason I even picked up The Division 2 was because my old out-of-date PC crapped out on me, so I built a new one and my GPU came with 2 free games and my CPU came with a free copy of it so I picked it up for my best friend and I. Kind of comes back full-circle, I guess. Karma's way of saying "Here, the first one sucked, so let me just let you cop two copies of the new one for free, dawg.".

    ANYWAYS, it blows the first one out of the water in every aspect thus far in my opinion. Looting system has been revised and is SO MUCH BETTER. Graphics look better imo, better optimized, less glitches and bugs on launch, setting is far more enjoyable, game world actually feels more lived-in and alive with animals all over the place, roving bandits fighting others, random events and activities, etc... It's essentially what was promised to us initially, only thing I personally disliked is the lack of real customization options in the character creator, otherwise the game is great.

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