Originally Posted by Glaizel View Post
I do understand, Why you guy's want Infected to be more playable, It's not because Infected 2.0 isn't playable it's just there's no players to play it. Now a day's Everyone that log-in''s want's to have fun playing TDM/CW, or TURBO. and to troll other players in A/N/D.

The reason behind why FGunZ is having a hard time increasing players It's because of it's balancing system. and lack of decent ideas, I do appreciate what the admins had done for this past few years few updates but still didn't do anything to get back to the top itself.

Players are use'd to have a donor gun with (10/dmg - 900 Delay - Donor Shotgun) aswell as other guns Genesis/Duelisto/BlackMamba/Pony/ that has 900 delay and 10 damage back then.

these are the core Item for pro's that they used more often back then,

LB/Pony, with Donor/Sword.

LB/Mamba 1/2 / DeadlyKatana

LB/Genesis / Invi/Sword.

LB/Donor'SG / Libel Katana

LB/Duelisto / Umbra Katana

FACT: current version right now = LBX LB LBX LBX LB LBX LB LBX?!?

1 rare item LBX = ruined all these donor guns Pony/Mamba/Genesis/DonorSG1&2/BlackInfinity1&2)

Not just that, it decreased the amount of donations that players donates why? once that they have these LB,LBX whats the point getting those other DonorSG's at the donation shop when they're useless.

I know, right now every donor guns are 10/DMGE ASWELL LB/LBX the difference is just LB's have 50 less delay.
& by that those players that have spent/spend hundred of dollars will be sure dissapointed.

Now the solution for these server is to rebalance it again perfectly, HITBOX isn't a problem anymore the balancing system issue itself. Once these issue is addressed decently the server will slowly grow and increased the players, without doing any advertising.

Here's my idea, hear me here. LB'x doesn't need to be remove in GENERAL. It's more like a skin instead of removing it why not make it as a core SKIN for Limitbreaker?

Let's just say Limitbreaker the GOLDEN One. Once you have the Limitbreaker X < You can change you're current Limitbreaker Golden One to a new LimitBreaker X the skin itself? and I think thats the only solution for these server to get back up again.

This can be counted untill Limitbreaker 5? like how it is now for example. Limitbreaker 1 Normal v7. Limitbreaker 2 X v8 .

And use this to other donor guns like Black Mamba 1/2 get to 5.

The naming of the guns isn't a problem for example Genesis this gun had like a snake python or something idk, but make another version and name it Cobra. It's not gonna be that hard to make a new version of Genesis just remove the upper part the green one or just recolor it and once it reached it's level 5 there will be a decent animation for the gun as a reward for the player's for purchasing all the guns 1 to 5.

And don't get any Inspiration to other games like CS:GO, I do like the skins of the new rare guns, but as you can see these guns are used for FPS not TPS. You can see stylish/well made skin's if you're in FPS mode, but once you are in TPS you really can't see it just the half of the gun at the front and thats it. aldo the enemy can see what gun are you using still, they can't see the decent style skin of the guns unless they're really close to you. Hope admins listen to this one.

Anyway that's all. Just think about It.
Thank you for understanding my not fluent English/wrong grammar.

- Hope you guys can understand.
thanks for your opinion but thet's not the question i wish to discuss in this thread.
it's about how to make infected more playable with our current player base.