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  1. #11

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    All the current staff member who are replying to this thread are like: "We host for YOU, the players", let's not forget you guys aswell, you signed up to be an event team member, and yes, you have to deal with some shit that's being thrown at you, but everyone has their own borders.

    The current ET team is doing a great job if you'd ask me. This might sound silly, but compare the current event room with a sack of potatoes, you just have to pick the rotten out and throw them in the garbage, it won't affect the other potatoes that are still enjoying their lives in that sack.
    Last edited by ParisRS; 11-08-2019 at 01:10 AM.

  2. The following 2 users say thank you to ParisRS for this useful post:

    Amers (11-10-2019), Bunny (11-08-2019)

  3. #12
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

    Join Date
    Mar 2014
    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    Another note about the new rockets, I do like them because it brings more creativity to the game. Some of the oldgens might agree with me, Dodgeball in cybersports was fkin lit, but come on, let's be realistic, it's just boring if you keep everything the same, even though you might win all the time. As much as it's annoying and hard, I say keep them.
    I don't personally mind them either. They are a great addition based on the classic quest mobs and their way of throwing projectiles at players, and I was more talking about hosting with normal rockets/pred in dodgeball map and not so much the old dodgeball in cybersports.
    The only thing here, is knowing how to use them. Currently theyre being used mostly normally until the host decides its taking too long and just does an impossible phase (which is virtually impossible with the normal rockets due to various reasons). Those new weapons have a big ass hitbox and should be treated as such or have their hitbox reduced/more apparent to the average player that doesnt 100% understand them. Not only that, but sometimes the round starts with an impossible phase just to wipe out 80% of the players.

  4. #13
    Zoro's Avatar DLL

    Join Date
    Sep 2015
    ommadawn : calling et an idiot has a big impact on them, they are human too


    me : dies due to ets fault

    me : *casually mentions to the et, he killed me incorrectly*

    et : im the host, i think i know what im doing. Are you an et? *ego smashss through the roof*

    me : idiot

    et : kicked

    Based on true story olay
    Last edited by Zoro; 11-08-2019 at 02:11 AM.

  5. The following user said thank you to Zoro for this useful post:

    Oriqin (11-18-2019)

  6. #14
    New Member

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Bro i get kicked in every event so wt

  7. #15
    New Member

    Join Date
    Oct 2019
    it's right! your need event team.
    Hello! My new account in freestyle world
    I'm a playing in freestyle gunz.

    Character name
    1st Lamboy

  8. #16
    Zabu's Avatar Freestyler

    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    We really appreciate you guys and the time, effort & creativety you put into this role and hosting events, we gotta admit that current ets are the most active creative since years (not bipo tho) hosting and coming up with new ideas and testing new events almost everyday and listening to players mainly, and as everything we deal with in real life, of course, you gotta have some issues with players while hosting, for example I am known for "crying and criticizing" when I lose events, but its not that, two types of players in events, people who complain looking for attention or has personal issues with the host or staff member, and people who complain about few things the host does wrong, as we all know, no one is perfect and ofc the host might make a mistake during hosting as everything else cause this is how life works, but sometimes I complain about things so the hosts avoid doing the same mistake again, cause events were supposed to be fun for the players and sometimes a few mistakes will make events unenjoyable and will lead up to lack of players who play the events, and I guess hosting for 6/7 players not fun for you guys.
    for example, no one wanna see 2 hunters in LMS hunting 9 players, it just kills the fun.
    no one wants to play rocketman in sewer pls.
    no one wanna play 3 PVP events in the same set since we play that the whole time in normal channel, like 1 PVP event each set is more than enough.
    and why would an et silence the chat in events and prevent 14 players from chatting just because there's 1 annoying player, you gotta deal with him if he doesn't understand just kick him?
    and no one wants to play dodgeball where the host using predator rockets and admin vials which makes it a luck-based event and all the players who have an actual exp can't win anymore.
    and the list goes on, I'm just saying that so events maintain their value and fun that we've known and experienced for years and maybe attracting new players to it.
    Regardless, you guys doing an amazing job keep it up, just try to avoid a few mistakes and it's all good.

  9. The following user said thank you to Zabu for this useful post:

    Bunny (11-10-2019)

  10. #17
    Amers's Avatar Freestyler

    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    I don't blame people for having conflicts with events because from what Ive seen they are sometimes unorganized, very annoying and confusing. The amount of players that i've seen rage quit (including me) is too high.

    Also a staff member shouldn't use words to speak to REGULAR players like "stfu" "idiot" "report me then if you dont like something" "leave the event then" etc that just makes the player say "**** this rude guy and **** this server"
    "Nobody cares, work harder"
    Love everyone, but trust no one

  11. The following user said thank you to Amers for this useful post:

    Zabu (11-10-2019)

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