Originally Posted by Glaizel View Post
Must add a new Torn-Page or another Boss. that drops Legend PVE. The higher the Torn-Page the higher the chance of getting it, Since we all know Broken/Golem only drops 1 Weap, and only 1 player can get it randomly. In this situation they'll get stuck doing the same thing quest over and over and other player's that doesn't get the drop will just rage quit due of this dropping system, as i experience it back when i play the game more often. And it's really hard to get Legendary's in my 13 acc's i only have 47 legendaries, and i've been playing quest for 2 years or so. Just add a higher chance of getting an legend-pve or something, and make everyone get's the drop instead of 1. It's not gonna be good right when everyone has legendaries and dealt a huge amount of damage to the bosses? these questers are having fun when they quest so do something about these matter.
New Torn-Pages for Mansion, Prison and Dungeon should be pretty easy to make in terms of adjusting some code and files.