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  1. #1
    LostX's Avatar Legendary Hunter

    Join Date
    Jan 2018
    Suggestion type:

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    Well, today i've got many ideas that i want to share for this game, maybe some are good and maybe others are bad. However i'm going to drop them all, so here we go.

    Gameplay/System suggestions:

    1. Bring Back the Gems system:

    Before anyone says "i'm disagree", let me explain the point of this and how this system should back.

    The Gems system was a controversial content that most of people have rejected it and wanted it removed (or at least that was what i've heard). But i think this system has potential, just that it was added in a wrong way, and since vials and pills are back balanced, why not give this a try?

    Now i'll list the points on how this should be added again:
    1. Disable it for CW and Tournaments.
    2. Add a tag called "No Gems" for people that don't like this or want a normal gameplay don't have to be forced to play with people with gems.
    3. Don't add Donor Gems. (This can be considered as P2W, and i think many people don't like it.)

    With these things i think this system won't be so bad, i would also say a rebalance, but idk how broken or useless were them. This system is like elements imo, just that instead of affecting the enemy, it affect yourself.

    2. Add a minimap in the top right side of the screen:

    Maybe the most hard one of this suggestion, i'm not asking something like a preview of the map in a little square, i know that's so hard to make. But maybe a little simple map that show in blue color (for example) the place where you can walk/explore, the background/out of map with a grey color (for example), and little blue points/circles which represents your teammates (and if possible, red points/circles which represents the enemies, and these can be only shown when they shoot).

    A good example of this type of minimap is the CoD minimap:

    3. Add the tags from Event Channel back to Normal Channel (and more):

    I know it was already posted by Zabu, but in this one i'm incluiding IA, R (and once again, let me explain this before everyone say "disagree") and also i want to suggest some tags.

    3.1 IA and R: These tags are very hated by people on TDMs and Duels, and i understand it, so here are the modes that these tags should be allowed:

    1. Training & Team Training (Remove them as default).
    2. Humans VS Infected (Remove them as default).
    3. Capture The Flag (It's a dead mode right now, and i've heard from some players they want these tags back for this mode).
    4. SpyMode (I don't know if these tags can revive it).
    5. Assessination.

    NOTE: If any of these apart from Training and Infected has it per default, they should be removed and let players choose between play with them or not.

    Modes that should never have these tags:

    1. Team Deathmatch.
    2. Deathmatch.
    3. Turbo.
    4. Duel Match.
    5. Team Turbo.

    NOTE: I don't know if in Gun Game these tags are broken or not, so i would like to see feedback into this.

    3.2 New Tags:

    1. Regenerator (Abbreviation: RG): This tag will make players regenerate their HP/AP after 5 seconds from receiving damage. (Don't confuse with VAMP). The regeneration will work like this: 2 HP per second. After the HP is full, AP starts to regenerate (1 per second).

    2. Funny Mode (FM): This tag will make bullets/dashes/jumps/slashes changes into fun things. Here are some examples for each weapon:

    Shotguns: This is obviously, mayuri sound.

    Riffles: "Oh baby a triple!" meme sound.

    Snipers: Hitmarker from CoD sound.

    Rockets: Nyan Cats with their meme sound.

    Jump: Mario Bros' jump sound.

    Kill Sound: Fatality from mortal kombat sound.

    (and such things like these, this is a potential tag).

    3. Training Weapons Only: The tag explain itself, of course this should only work in Training/Team Training Modes.

    4. Kill Confirmed: As in CoD, this tag let you revive your teammates if you pick the Identification Plates (idk if that's the exaxtly name) that your teammates have drop after they've died. (Only works in team modes).

    4. PvP Rank System:

    I'll divide this into 2 parts, one for clans and other for individual players.

    4.1 Clans Ranking System: With a "Rank System" i don't mean add a new section into website for be the rank 1, i mean add ranks like Bronze, Plate, Gold, Diamond and Platinum for them. How will this work? Well, depending on the amount of points from cw each clan have, they'll be categorized in one of these ranks. Example:

    500 CW Points = Bronze III
    1000 CW Points = Bronze II
    1500 CW Points = Bronze I
    2500 CW Points = Plate III
    3500 CW Points = Plate II
    4500 CW Points = Plate I
    6000 CW Points = Gold III
    7500 CW Points = Gold II
    9000 CW Points = Gold I
    11000 CW Points = Diamond III
    13000 CW Points = Diamond II
    15000 CW Points = Diamond I
    20000 CW Points = Platinum III
    25000 CW Points = Platinum II
    30000 CW Points = Platinum I

    Depending on your clan rank, it'll receive some benefits:

    Bronze III to I:
    1. The clan will have in scoreboard a color representing your rank (Example: ^S)
    2. The players on the clan which participated into CW will receive 10 coins for reach each rank (from III to I). NOTE: This reward will be sent only once.
    3. The players will receive a JJANG represting their clan rank (Clan Bronze III/II/I).

    Plate III to I:
    1. The clan will have in scoreboard a color representing your rank (Example: ^0)
    2. The players on the clan which participated into CW will receive 25 coins for reach each rank (from III to I).
    3. The players will receive a JJANG represting their clan rank (Clan Plate III/II/I).
    4. The player will receive a unique set for reaching Plate I.

    Gold III to I:
    1. The clan will have in scoreboard a color representing your rank (Example: ^4)
    2. The players on the clan which participated into CW will receive 50 coins for reach each rank (from III to I).
    3. The players will receive a JJANG represting their clan rank (Clan Gold III/II/I).
    4. The players will receive a unique set for reaching Gold I.
    5. The players will receive a unique Gold SG for reaching Gold I. (Same stats as donors)

    Diamond III to I:
    1. The clan will have in scoreboard a color representing your rank (Example: ^A)
    2. The players on the clan which participated into CW will receive 75 coins for reach each rank (from III to I).
    3. The players will receive a JJANG represting their clan rank (Clan Diamond III/II/I).
    4. The players will receive a unique set for reaching Gold I.
    5. The players will receive a unique Diamond SG for reaching Diamond I (Same stats as donors).
    6. The players will receive a unique Avatar for reaching Diamond I.

    Platinum III to I:
    1. The clan will have in scoreboard a color representing your rank (Example: ^R)
    2. The players on the clan which participated into CW will receive 100 coins for reach each rank (from III to I).
    3. The players will receive a JJANG represting their clan rank (Clan Platinum III/II/I).
    4. The players will receive a unique set for reaching Platinum I.
    5. The players will receive a unique SG for reaching Platinum I. (Same stats as LB/LBX)
    6. The players will receive a unique Avatar for reaching Platinum I.
    7. The players will receive a unique dash.
    8. The 3 players with most CW points will receive a unique rank in-game for reaching Platinum I (no color, something like VIP does in scoreboard).

    4.2 Individual Rank System: This will be categorized based in a new mode that i'll say below in this thread. Based on the points of that mode, you'll receive any of the ranks. (I'll say the amount of points for each rank in the mode section).

    Benefits for each rank:
    1. You will receive a JJANG (Bronze).
    2. You will have a new icon besides the name (replacing the sword to a new Icon).
    3. You will receive 5k bounty for reaching it.

    1. You will receive a JJANG (Plate).
    2. You will have a new icon besides the name (replacing the bronze icon to a new Icon).
    3. You will receive 10k bounty for reaching it.
    4. You will receive 1 free lucky box for reaching it.

    1. You will receive a JJANG (Gold).
    2. You will have a new icon besides the name (replacing the Plate icon to a new Icon).
    3. You will receive 20k bounty for reaching it.
    4. You will receive 3 free lucky boxes for reaching it.
    5. You will receive a unique set for reaching it.

    1. You will receive a JJANG (Diamond).
    2. You will have a new icon besides the name (replacing the Gold icon to a new Icon).
    3. You will receive 40k bounty for reaching it.
    4. You will receive 5 free lucky boxes for reaching it.
    5. You will receive a unique set for reaching it.
    6. You will receive a free cosmetic box for reaching it.

    1. You will receive a JJANG (Platinum).
    2. You will have a new icon besides the name (replacing the Diamond icon to a new Icon).
    3. You will receive 100k bounty for reaching it.
    4. You will receive 15 free lucky boxes for reaching it.
    5. You will receive a unique set for reaching it.
    6. You will receive 5 free cosmetic boxes for reaching it.
    7. You will receive 100 coins for reaching it.
    8. You will receive 2 unique SGs for reaching it.
    9. You will receive a unique Dash for reaching it.
    10. You will receive a unique rank in forums for reaching it.

    New Modes suggestions:

    1. Hide n Seek Mode:
    It's one of the most fun and popular events, so why not convert it into a mode? It'll work like this:

    There'll be 2 teams, 1 called "Hiders" and 1 called "Seeker". Hiders will have 60 seconds to hide, while those 60s, seeker (which was chosen randomly) will be out of the map (or not spawned) with the screen totally black. After those 60s, hiders will be frozen and the seeker will be spawned (can be randomly or at red team spawns) and starts to try to find the hiders. Depending on the playercount, the seeker will have x time for find them all, also depending on the same fact there'll be x maps for play chosen randomly to play (like SpyMode).

    Time limits based on Playercount:
    5 mins + 1 min for hide = 4 to 6 players (+1 seeker).
    8 mins + 1 min for hide = 7 to 12 players (+1 seeker).
    10 mins + 1 min for hide = 13 to 18 players (+1 seeker).
    12 mins + 1 min for hide = 19 to 24 players (+1 seeker).
    15 mins + 1 min foe hide = 25 to 31 players (+1 seeker).

    Maps based on Playercount:
    4 to 6 players:
    Snow Wasteland
    Snow Child

    7 to 12 players:
    (All maps above)
    Battle Arena
    High Haven
    Island Temple
    Lost Shrine

    13 to 18 players:
    (All maps above)
    Canal Town

    19 to 32 players:
    (All maps above)
    Dungeon II

    If Hiders wins, they obtain 75k exp, if seeker kills all, he/she wins 50k exp (+ exp per each kill which is the same as any PvP mode)

    NOTE: This mode doesn't affect your K/D.

    2. Domain

    One of the most popular modes of CoD, it surprises me that no one has developed it on Gunz with its popularity. It works like this:

    Each team will be spawned at their base, where a flag is near to them, their objective is to domain all flags for obtain points and win. There'll be 3 flags, 2 at base of each team and 1 in the middle of the map. Obtaining a domain of a flag gives you x amount of exp (should be more than the exp per kill) and depending on what flags you have you'll spawn in x place after die. Also as more flags you have in your domain more points you'll win. After any of the team reaches the limit of points, the game ends and the team who reached it wins.


    Min time for a game: 10 mins.
    Max time for a game: unlimited.
    Min Points for win: 150.
    Max points for win: 1500.
    If the team spawn switch is on, it'll be separated into 2 rounds, which after reach the half of points it'll resets the flags to normal and changes spawns from the start.

    NOTE: Only big maps should be played into this mode.

    3. Base Invaders:
    This mode is famous and has been in many games, it has many names depending on the game, but i wanted to call it like this. It'll work like this:

    There'll be 2 teams, and at their base there'll be a circle blue, which is the circle where the team enemy should go for win 1 point, your objective (like the enemy) is to invade the enemy base and reach the red circle for win 1 point for your team (doing this will give you more exp than killing and you gonna re-spawn at your base). But you can't let your enemy invade your team too, so you gonna depend on strategy and do teamwork for win.


    Min points for win: 20.
    Max points for win: 150.
    Min players for play: 4.
    Max players for play: 32.

    4. Ranking Mode:

    Here's it, this will give you points for your rank (Bronze/Plate/Gold/Diamind/Platinum), and it'll work like this:

    This will choose any gamemode randomly (Deathmatch/Duel/TDM/CTF/Domain/Base Invaders) and also will choose a random map, after this you gonna get points depending on your action on mode which was chosen. Here's the list:

    +1 point for each kill.
    -1 point for each death.
    +10 points for each win.
    (Kills for win: 50)

    +1 points for each kill.
    +10 points for a streak of 10 kills.
    +20 points for a streak of 20 kills.
    -1 point for each death.
    -5 points for each streak broken (after you reach 10 kills)
    +5 points for each time you break an enemy streaks (after he reaches 10 kills)
    +10 points for win.
    (Kills for win: 25)

    Team Deathmatch:

    +1 point for each kill.
    +5 points for each round won.
    +10 points for win.
    -1 point for each death.
    -5 points for each round lost.

    Capture The Flag:

    +1 point for each kill.
    +5 points for each flag took.
    +10 points for each flag won.
    -1 for each death.
    -5 for each flag lost.
    +10 for win.


    +1 point for each kill.
    +5 points for each flag domainated.
    +5 points for each time you protected a flag being stealing by killing the enemy.
    +10 points for win.
    -1 point for each death.

    Base Invaders:

    +1 point for each kill.
    +5 points for invade the enemy base and get a point.
    +10 for win.
    -1 for each death.

    Points needed for each rank:

    Bronze: 100.
    Plate: 500.
    Gold: 1500.
    Diamond: 4000.
    Platinum: 10000.
    5. Horde Mode:

    Well, after many PvP mode there should be an idea of PvE mode, don’t you think? It’ll work like this:

    This mode will be something like Zombie mode of Call of Duty, but a Little bit diiferent. In round 1 you’ll spawn with a Elite MG with 20 dmg and there’ll be easy npcs, which are 16 and spawn randomly, after kill them you gonna have 30 seconds of break for be prepared for the next round. Each NPC killed gives you a certain amount of Money (this is exclusive for this mode) which let you buy things like be healed, gain an useful effect or buy a weapon (these things can be bought from a special menú which opens only during breaks between rounds, you need to press “B” for open it). After the 30 seconds the menu closes (in the case you had opened it) and the npcs start to spawn, and now they gonna have more hp, more dmg and they’ll be more (22 for round 2). Also, new types of npcs will appear, which are more powerful than the npcs of last round. This will happen for each round til the infinite (of course, after a certain round they just gonna have more HP). Also, each 10 rounds a Boss appears, depending on the round it’ll be a different boss, and it’ll give you so much Money for buy. As more rounds you do, more exp you gonna get.

    Rounds: Infinite.
    EXP from the start: 10,000 (it’ll be x1.5 each round. For example: 15,000 in round 2, 20,000 in round 3, etc.)
    Things for buy in the Menu Shop:
    1. Regenerate HP/AP (500 Money)
    2. Full filling ammo (500 Money)
    3. Buy MG with 30 pve (1000 Money)
    4. Buy MG with 40 pve (1500 Money)
    5. Buy MG with 50 pve (2500 money)
    6. Buy MG with 60 pve (5000 money)
    7. Buy MG with 70 pve (10000 Money)
    8. Buy MG with 80 pve (15000 Money)
    9. Buy MG with 90 pve ( 25000 Money)
    10. Buy MG with 100 pve (40000 Money)
    11. Buy Riffle as secondary with 20 pve ( 1000 Money)
    12. Buy Riffle as secondary with 25 pve (1000 Money)
    13. Buy Riffle as secondary with 30 pve (1500 Money)
    14. Buy Riffle as secondary with 35 pve (2500 money)
    15. Buy Riffle as secondary with 40 pve (5000 money)
    16. Buy Riffle as secondary with 45 pve (10000 Money)
    17. Buy Riffle as secondary with 50 pve (15000 Money)
    18. Buy Riffle as secondary with 60 pve ( 25000 Money)
    19. Buy Riffle as secondary with 70 pve (40000 Money)
    20. Buy Revolver as secondary with 60 pve ( 1000 Money)
    21. Buy Revolver as secondary with 70 pve (1000 Money)
    22. Buy Revolver as secondary with 80 pve (1500 Money)
    23. Buy Revolver as secondary with 90 pve (2500 money)
    24. Buy Revolver as secondary with 105 pve (5000 money)
    25. Buy Revolver as secondary with 120 pve (10000 Money)
    26. Buy Revolver as secondary with 135 pve (15000 Money)
    27. Buy Revolver as secondary with 150 pve ( 25000 Money)
    28. Buy Revolver as secondary with 165 pve (40000 Money)
    29. Buy Rocket as secondary with 250 pve ( 5000 Money)
    30. Buy Rocket as secondary with 300 pve (10000 Money)
    31. Buy Rocket as secondary with 350 pve (15000 Money)
    32. Buy Rocket as secondary with 400 pve (40000 Money)
    33. Buy 1 hit kill with 2350 pve (40000 Money)
    34. Buy Buff accuracy for MG (from 34% to 40%, 10000 Money)
    35. Buy Buff accuracy for MG II (from 40% to 52%, 25000 Money)
    36. Buy Buff delay for MG (from 120ms to 100ms, 15000 Money)
    37. Buy Buff delay for MG II (from 100ms to 80ms, 30000 Money)
    38. Buy more HP/AP (from 125/105 to 160/140, 10000 Money)
    39. Buy more HP/AP II (From 160/140 to 200/180, 25000 Money)
    40. Buy more HP/AP III (From 200/180 to 250/230, 40000 Money)
    41. Buy Flash Effect (makes you 10% more faster, can be bought max 10 times; 10000 Money)
    42. Buy Poison Effect (makes npcs have the Poison effect for each bullet, 5000 Money)

    Closing the thread:
    There could be more on this thread, but i think it's already long enough for add all lol. However i hope anyone like all these ideas (or at least some of them).
    Last edited by LostX; 05-21-2020 at 09:04 AM.
    When you think you got over it, you realize you have not and the pain comes again.

    IGN: Sinon & Lost

    Might this will sound cliche, but you don't know what you have with you until you lose it. Appreciate everything you have, you don't know when you'll lose it. Friends, family, pets, anything. The time goes and never comes back, hold on to them like there's no a tomorrow, becouse when they're gone it might hit you hard. And if you do a mistake, be sure to correct it, or else you can lose everything in just one second in front your eyes.

  2. The following 5 users say thank you to LostX for this useful post:

    Dunkin (05-21-2020), Ishtar (FGO) (05-21-2020), loneeagle (05-21-2020), Satan (05-21-2020), ViktorBCII (05-21-2020)

  3. #2
    Amzz's Avatar 7 ~ 15

    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Hmm I like this thread a lot, I agree with bringing back IA and R for training rooms. Some of the other stuff you mentioned is stuff that I've been trying to create for the last couple of days. Good stuff.
    Last edited by Amzz; 05-21-2020 at 09:04 AM.

  4. #3
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

    Join Date
    May 2009
    What is your reason for wanting a minimap in the game?

  5. The following user said thank you to StephanM for this useful post:

    Bunny (05-21-2020)

  6. #4
    Faky's Avatar Stop Being Fake

    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    Originally Posted by Amzz View Post
    Hmm I like this thread a lot, I agree with bringing back IA and R for training rooms. Some of the other stuff you mentioned is stuff that I've been trying to create for the last couple of days. Good stuff.
    IA already existed in the training room.

    ~Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Signature

    "Dreams are short-time happiness"

    you can do 99 things for someone and all they'll remember is the one thing you didn't do

  7. #5
    Dunkin's Avatar E X G O D

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    Mar 2020
    I like the idea of a clan ranking system.
    Last edited by Dunkin; 05-21-2020 at 01:27 PM.

  8. #6
    Junior Member

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    Feb 2018
    if you think these guys would give out that much prizes for clan war, think again

  9. #7
    LostX's Avatar Legendary Hunter

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    Jan 2018
    Originally Posted by StephanM View Post
    What is your reason for wanting a minimap in the game?
    Well, it's almost a basic thing on fps games (or at least many of them have it), so why not in gunz?
    When you think you got over it, you realize you have not and the pain comes again.

    IGN: Sinon & Lost

    Might this will sound cliche, but you don't know what you have with you until you lose it. Appreciate everything you have, you don't know when you'll lose it. Friends, family, pets, anything. The time goes and never comes back, hold on to them like there's no a tomorrow, becouse when they're gone it might hit you hard. And if you do a mistake, be sure to correct it, or else you can lose everything in just one second in front your eyes.

  10. #8
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Mar 2014
    Originally Posted by Sinon View Post
    Well, it's almost a basic thing on fps games (or at least many of them have it), so why not in gunz?
    gunz is not an fps game. Making a minimap for gunz requires creating an overhead view of many maps, most of which will not function as expected due to the nature of gunz having high walls and multiple platformed maps.

  11. #9
    LostX's Avatar Legendary Hunter

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    Jan 2018
    Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
    gunz is not an fps game. Making a minimap for gunz requires creating an overhead view of many maps, most of which will not function as expected due to the nature of gunz having high walls and multiple platformed maps.
    With "fps" i meant a shooter game. But yeah, that's why i said might it'll be the most harder thing to make on the list.
    When you think you got over it, you realize you have not and the pain comes again.

    IGN: Sinon & Lost

    Might this will sound cliche, but you don't know what you have with you until you lose it. Appreciate everything you have, you don't know when you'll lose it. Friends, family, pets, anything. The time goes and never comes back, hold on to them like there's no a tomorrow, becouse when they're gone it might hit you hard. And if you do a mistake, be sure to correct it, or else you can lose everything in just one second in front your eyes.

  12. #10

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Originally Posted by Sinon View Post
    With "fps" i meant a shooter game. But yeah, that's why i said might it'll be the most harder thing to make on the list.
    It's gonna work like the CS:GO map Nuke, with different levels. Hella hard.

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