Originally Posted by McSic View Post
- Increase HP/AP a bit (thinking like +10-15 on both)
- Increase shotgun spray size a tad (+ 10-20% or so)

That's the plan. @Akimbo @Skilly

Also this server is running on a strong dedicated server with 1 gbps connection already, GunZ is using very little of it. We pay hundreds a month for the server. But that has nothing to do with it when gameplay is peer2peer (player to player) @Angry
yes one dedicated server lol with 50/100 brs on 100+ ping? as i said game is too dead for it

the sg spread can be better yeah cause on close range you get so much 9dmg shots even when you hit ppl centered alot of times. the biggest problem is that 80% of the ppl playing this seem to be either playing on 5$ networks or purposely make themselves lag, even if its a tiny bit it plays a huge role.