Originally Posted by Tenax View Post
Record and report them when they votekick you.
When you enter the room, have the auto replay option on.
You will record the whole round/s– so whenever you get kicked for no good reason, you go and report it as an abuse. No one cares if they lying if there is a record.

I mean I don't go into games assuming I'm going to be kicked lol , I don't go into games recording to see if anything happens . I mean I see what you're sayin but it just don't go that way lol . People get kicked before they can even type a letter out or shoot their weapon . I'm not talking about me personally , I could care less about being kicked , people on here are haters and cry babies , but I'm speaking for the normal players who repeatedly get kicked from rooms an I'm assuming they also don't go into those rooms thinking they will get kicked out .