Hi, Dyoxes,

The first replay and screenshot are both dated 8/31/2020, and we do not accept evidence that is older than 7 days.

This Replay and Screenshot cannot be used anymore.

As for the last part, you did not Screenshot the kick when Kingaim said "All Y", therefore we do not know who kicked because it does not show us who is kicking who in the replay. You should Screenshot when it says "Player A is kicking Player B .... Y OR N." So I cannot take action based on this. The 00:50 sec replay you provided is too minor and can be avoided using the /ignore function.

The final two Screenshots seem to be provoked by you as well when you stated these things which cause him to flame you:

"800 dmg and you"
"Trash than king"
"200 dmg"
"poor boy"

I suggest you use the /ignore function on Skull, because both of you guys just have some kind of hate towards each other. Next time screenshot the actual kick and don't provoke players as well.