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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    IGN of reported player: Coffee-Mug/Ganggbangg/Phantom encouraging everything, very professional behaviour !

    Reason: Spreading pers. info. Note that I namechanged both in-game and on forum to not be known by my name. Given I changed it today, I don't know how he knew it. Feel free to check logs if you think I've spread it myself.


    Keep this message in mind, written by Divine:

    - - - Updated - - -

    Got more screenshots if needed be.
    Last edited by ParisRS; 11-24-2020 at 12:49 PM.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    - - - Updated - - -

    Guess ill change my name again after this ^^

  3. #3
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    So I got two questions just to understand the situation better.

    1. Why are you reporting Phantom? Do you think he has checked your account on the panel? Doesn't look like he did anything wrong, he didn't even say your name. Doesn't look like he was taking a side either and after talking to him, he doesn't even know who you are. This is Phantom's response to this report:
    Hi Grief, in the screenshots you have added all I can see is Coffee-Mug saying it's you.
    The thing is I when I joined the room I didn't really care about who you are and what are you doing I just played a 1v1 duel while you started threatening to report me for joining your room.
    Not only that I didn't say a word about you but I've also asked Coffee to ignore you and just play since I tried to prevent him from being toxic to you, if any staff is willing to check CP you are more then invited because I still DONT CARE about Grief being Bart.
    2. What's the reason you're reporting Coffee-Mug and Ganggbangg? The only information they have provided is your name which everyone else already know, that's like I'll report people for saying "Ben" when everyone knows it, they haven't provided any personal information about you.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    So I got two questions just to understand the situation better.

    1. Why are you reporting Phantom? Do you think he has checked your account on the panel? Doesn't look like he did anything wrong, he didn't even say your name. Doesn't look like he was taking a side either and after talking to him, he doesn't even know who you are. This is Phantom's response to this report:

    Im reporting. Phantom for encouraging and playing along with something that's forbidden as said by Divine in the thread attached. It's true Phantom didn't spread any info, he's just a staff member encouraging shit people shouldn't do.

    2. What's the reason you're reporting Coffee-Mug and Ganggbangg? The only information they have provided is your name which everyone else already know, that's like I'll report people for saying "Ben" when everyone knows it, they haven't provided any personal information about you.

    No, it's not the same. You keep one name, I do not. I changed my name purposely to not have to deal with this kind of shit anymore. I have no idea how they keep finding out it's me. I even made a new forum account to not be know anymore, but they're just desperate to expose me each time and I'm done for. I changed my name to NOT be known, on forum/ingame there's NOTHING that can lead me to being 'my name' anymore, literally nothing. That's why I'm reporting this.

  5. #5
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

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    Oct 2012
    Honestly it's not that hard to find out who is who in such a small community we have. Just like two days ago if you remember, I joined a training room with 26 people and you were in it and after 2 minutes of you saying 2-3 sentences, I figured out it's you simply by the way you talk and by the fact you are 50 ping to me (And no, I haven't checked the CP and it can be confirmed just to prove my point).

    I personally don't think Phantom did anything wrong, he hasn't encouraged and he tried not to take any side, he even said you guys should ignore and play instead. As for Coffee-Mug and Ganggbangg, I also don't think they have broken any rules in the screenshots you've provided, they did say your name but that's something everyone knows. Every time you change your name in-game/forums - it doesn't take too long till people figure out it's you and I honestly believe it has to do with you talk/act.

    Not to mention, I already said in the past that we won't accept personal reports from both of you because this non-sense has been going for too long.

    *Edit: After talking to Coffee-Mug in-game, I don't think he has done anything wrong either(except of being rude in your last screenshot), he just repeated your name without knowing you and without knowing Ganggbangg as well:
    Last edited by Ommadawn; 11-24-2020 at 02:31 PM.

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    Honestly it's not that hard to find out who is who in such a small community we have. Just like two days ago if you remember, I joined a training room with 26 people and you were in it and after 2 minutes of you saying 2-3 sentences, I figured out it's you simply by the way you talk and by the fact you are 50 ping to me (And no, I haven't checked the CP and it can be confirmed just to prove my point).

    I personally don't think Phantom did anything wrong, he hasn't encouraged and he tried not to take any side, he even said you guys should ignore and play instead. As for Coffee-Mug and Ganggbangg, I also don't think they have broken any rules in the screenshots you've provided, they did say your name but that's something everyone knows. Every time you change your name in-game/forums - it doesn't take too long till people figure out it's you and I honestly believe it has to do with you talk/act.

    Not to mention, I already said in the past that we won't accept personal reports from both of you because this non-sense has been going for too long.

    *Edit: After talking to Coffee-Mug in-game, I don't think he has done anything wrong either(except of being rude in your last screenshot), he just repeated your name without knowing you and without knowing Ganggbangg as well:
    Yeah, I don't know Coffee is to be honest. He just started shittalking me cus gangg asked him or something, I don't know.. I don't got a recording, I just told him to not repeat my name in public, and he continued to do so after that.

  7. #7
    Divine's Avatar Ex Head Game Moderator

    Join Date
    May 2012
    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    Honestly it's not that hard to find out who is who in such a small community we have. Just like two days ago if you remember, I joined a training room with 26 people and you were in it and after 2 minutes of you saying 2-3 sentences, I figured out it's you simply by the way you talk and by the fact you are 50 ping to me (And no, I haven't checked the CP and it can be confirmed just to prove my point).

    I personally don't think Phantom did anything wrong, he hasn't encouraged and he tried not to take any side, he even said you guys should ignore and play instead. As for Coffee-Mug and Ganggbangg, I also don't think they have broken any rules in the screenshots you've provided, they did say your name but that's something everyone knows. Every time you change your name in-game/forums - it doesn't take too long till people figure out it's you and I honestly believe it has to do with you talk/act.

    Not to mention, I already said in the past that we won't accept personal reports from both of you because this non-sense has been going for too long.

    *Edit: After talking to Coffee-Mug in-game, I don't think he has done anything wrong either(except of being rude in your last screenshot), he just repeated your name without knowing you and without knowing Ganggbangg as well:


    Unfortunately we cannot punish players for saying your name repetitively but if it gets to a point where you're getting harassed, we will require more evidence to show that. Best thing to do is use the /ignore function, I will also message Coffee in-game to stop annoying you.


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