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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    May 2021
    Played yesterday all fine, no problems. Tried to play today and launcher won't patch. I've it excluded on my antivirus and firewall is off.

    This is the log:

    Log start : Wed Jun  2 02:35:31 2021
    Current Directory : C:\Program Files (x86)\Freestyle GunZ
    02:35:31:085   [APP] OS version : Windows 10  (Build 17763)
    02:35:31:102   [APP] Window created successfully.
    02:35:33:182   [ZUpdate] Create.
    02:35:33:186   [ZFileTransfer] Create.
    02:35:33:186   [ZFileTransfer] Create successfully complete.
    02:35:33:187   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection.
    02:35:33:187   [ZFileTransfer] Open connection successfully complete.
    02:35:33:187   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory.
    02:35:33:187   [ZFileTransfer] Change directory successfully complete.
    02:35:33:187   [ZUpdate] Create successfully compete.
    02:35:33:188   [APP] Download patch info file
    02:35:33:188   [ZUpdate] Start update.
    02:35:33:189   [ZFileTransfer] Download file : patch.xml.comp  to  ./patch.xml.comp
    02:35:36:216   [ZFileTransfer] ERROR : It was not possible to connect to the revocation server or a definitive response could not be obtained.
    02:35:36:216   [ZUpdate] ERROR : Start update FAILED!!!
    02:35:36:217   [APP] ERROR - Cannot download patch info file
    02:35:36:217   [APP] Updater error message :
    The update server is not responding or is not running right now.
         [Tip] Please check your firewall.
         [Tip] Please try again after a while.
    02:35:36:217   [App] File transfer error message :
    It was not possible to connect to the revocation server or a definitive response could not be obtained.
    EDIT: This might sound funny but I managed to fix it right after posting this. The issue was that my laptop internal battery died long time ago so everytime I restart it the clock gets messed up. Apparently that was causing a connection issue with the update server, which is kinda common. I set the time and date to the current one and it worked without problems. Probably should add this somewhere. It might help someone else in the future, who knows.
    Last edited by José; 05-27-2021 at 03:03 AM.

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