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  1. #1

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    IGN of reported player: tomasedison

    Reason: i understand i was 'selecting' teams when at game room. i dont see why the gm has to constantly tell me about this. changing team means when your in-game and changing teams. not when your in game room selecting the team. despite me doing this, the user finds any way to get me kicked. as simple as that, you guys have provided them with commands to send all to one team. so he can make use of it, and if i'm on the wrong team when the user is about to start then kicking is valid.

    why is he kicking me for no reason. finds any way to get me out of his room. he shouldn't be doing that. hes even told by his clannies to kick me out, which i think he often listen to them and favours them to win the rounds. seems fishy in here. please clear things up.

    next time i join an event, the user will find any way to get me kicked. so funny.

    he is more concerned about me 'selecting' the team rather explaining to ppl the event informaiton. funny. its a sign of him trying to look to get me kicked.

    Proof/Evidence: i cannot record game room ofc..
    Last edited by ImComming4U; 07-16-2021 at 09:36 PM.

  2. #2
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Okay so let's think maybe.

    You were switching teams endless times in order to bug my room and try manipulate the settings, you perfectly know that when someone is switching non-stop then the host has to reset the room over and over again to make sure everything is set accordingly. By switching teams endless times, you also make my FPS drop and my screen lag, hence I asked you to stop it a few times. However, it seems like you don't care at all and just look for ways to make provocations.

    Now, you are permanently kicked from the rest of the current set which is on-going right now and the next one hosted by me as well. As I've already clarified in one of the recent reports by you, I highly consider to perma-ban you from my events, and this way it's just getting worse. You're always trying to cause drama over the tiniest things when you participate in events, and seriously - it's already becoming ridiculous, annoying and pathetic.

    Leaving this report open until the Owner, McSic, posts a final decision.

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

  3. #3

    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    Originally Posted by TomasEdison View Post
    Okay so let's think maybe.

    You were switching teams endless times in order to bug my room and try manipulate the settings, you perfectly know that when someone is switching non-stop then the host has to reset the room over and over again to make sure everything is set accordingly. By switching teams endless times, you also make my FPS drop and my screen lag, hence I asked you to stop it a few times. However, it seems like you don't care at all and just look for ways to make provocations.

    Now, you are permanently kicked from the rest of the current set which is on-going right now and the next one hosted by me as well. As I've already clarified in one of the recent reports by you, I highly consider to perma-ban you from my events, and this way it's just getting worse. You're always trying to cause drama over the tiniest things when you participate in events, and seriously - it's already becoming ridiculous, annoying and pathetic.

    Leaving this report open until the Owner, McSic, posts a final decision.
    you were all set to host the event so u didn't have to switch anything. so me changing teams has nothing to do with that. with fps drop, maybe get better pc? if such things are happening why are the admins/dev not aware of it. they should get it fixed? From what i can see, your looking to get me kicked in any ways. and now you are taking this further cause im making report against you for power abuse and now that the community knows; you taking further actions. it seems as if your obsessed to get me out of event channel whenever your around. You dont decide that kk.

    im not causing no drama. what i did must've happened so many times. but players are not treated the same. but you decide to power abuse and get me kicked w/o having started the game. your the one trying to cause drama not me.

  4. #4
    McSic's Avatar L e a d e r

    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    ETs host events purely voluntarily, for the enjoyment of the players. They do not get paid by us for this, they put in their own time completely voluntarily, just so others get to have some fun in events - and that should be respected by the players. If you disturb the ET so much, the ET should be very well allowed to exclude you from the event, to proceed hosting for the other players.

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