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  1. #1
    New Member

    Join Date
    Jul 2021
    IGN of reported player: McGreegor and ^1-^92^62^1-^F (They are the same person)

    Reason: Good night! I come to make a report to two players, if it is a single player only who has a different character, now he uses his other account to be unnoticed, there I show the captures of his lag now in the character another new one that he is using and it is the McGreean , see the video please, I already did what they asked and clearly you can see the delay in dying is enough evidence, and please let this report be answered by someone other than Tomas Edison, that little thing is a person who has always me had towards my person, that's all. I wait for answers please. Jordan, Tony, etc. I hope your answer, please analyze the video well. Even try entering games where the guy is so that you can see for yourself that I am not exaggerating or anything, there are even other people who realize how laggy he is and he has already been warned many times.


    Last edited by Donate9999; 08-13-2021 at 06:32 AM.

  2. #2
    Jordan's Avatar Cloud9 💨 💨 💨

    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    Originally Posted by Donate9999 View Post
    IGN of reported player: McGreegor and ^1-^92^62^1-^F (They are the same person)

    Reason: Good night! I come to make a report to two players, if it is a single player only who has a different character, now he uses his other account to be unnoticed, there I show the captures of his lag now in the character another new one that he is using and it is the McGreean , see the video please, I already did what they asked and clearly you can see the delay in dying is enough evidence, and please let this report be answered by someone other than Tomas Edison, that little thing is a person who has always me had towards my person, that's all. I wait for answers please. Jordan, Tony, etc. I hope your answer, please analyze the video well. Even try entering games where the guy is so that you can see for yourself that I am not exaggerating or anything, there are even other people who realize how laggy he is and he has already been warned many times.


    Hi Donate, Previous report stated in perfect detail that we require a Gunz Replay from the game itself. Tomas Explained how you needed to get to those files. And please mind your words when speaking about other staff members, The past in the past no reason to feel Tomas is ill-will'd towards you. If you would upload the files directly instead of converting them to .avi thats all i need. Then i can actually Watch your videos in the Game system itself. Please go back and read the last report( you posted and see where Tomas detailed on how to get to said files.

    Thanks, Jordan.

  3. #3
    New Member

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    Jul 2021
    The file where the videos are found is in the link I sent you, look in other player reports and they send those, and the GMs end up reviewing and accepting the request, now I don't understand if I'm the one with the error or if you don't they want to review the report. This is absurd with all the respect you deserve. Basically I did everything, I took the videos of FGunZ that are in the archives and put it on that page where other players in their reports send it in evidence and accept it. Now: Who is the problem? I or you, because you clearly see the lack of seriousness in the matter. I discussed this issue with McSic, but apparently he is not involved in these matters and he sent me here and this is the response of the staff, please go to review the links of the evidence, there is everything.

    Thanks, Omega

  4. #4
    TomasEdison's Avatar ✨ שָׁוִיתי ה' לנֶגדי תמיד

    Join Date
    Oct 2015
    Originally Posted by Donate9999 View Post
    The file where the videos are found is in the link I sent you, look in other player reports and they send those, and the GMs end up reviewing and accepting the request, now I don't understand if I'm the one with the error or if you don't they want to review the report. This is absurd with all the respect you deserve. Basically I did everything, I took the videos of FGunZ that are in the archives and put it on that page where other players in their reports send it in evidence and accept it. Now: Who is the problem? I or you, because you clearly see the lack of seriousness in the matter. I discussed this issue with McSic, but apparently he is not involved in these matters and he sent me here and this is the response of the staff, please go to review the links of the evidence, there is everything.

    Thanks, Omega
    You attack us in your own report, but expect for a further reference? The only absurd and lack of seriousness come by your side, and the mere fact you keep providing us with videos taken by F10 key in such reports just proves that.

    Do not post another report about such incidents, please, without providing us with a replay taken by F11 key as we've attempted to ask enough times. We already explained to you how to search and upload a replay, but you keep providing us with videos, taken by F10 key, which we do NOT accept.

    Due to lack of proof,

    “Every spirit builds itself a house, and beyond its house - a world, and beyond its world - a heaven.
    Know then, that the world exists for you: build, therefore, your own world”

    - "Nature" (Chapter 8), Ralph Waldo Emerson
    *Credits to GeorgeGFX for the Avatar picture!

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