Originally Posted by ImComming4U View Post
There are no more pure gladder on this server they've left, deal with the bullshit for now.
That's not true, the gladiator scene on fgunz is truly the best it has been in recent years. There are also a lot of new players who are trying to learn sword and a sword only code at least would cut down on things I mentioned earlier.

Originally Posted by Skilly View Post
Could also make every sword have the rusty delay & DMG, then there would be no need to release gladiator friendly swords like the new Fire/Ice Katanas which have trash damage outside of GLAD and allow glads to have more choice in the look of their weapon
Look I was gifted an ice sword and I feel blessed. One thing that sort of annoys me is when people get VERY upset about me using a sword that isn't actually rusty, and accusing me of not using rusty sword in a room that has [ RUSTY ONLY ] etc in title... when I explain that my weapon is the same stats of rusty it normally takes other people to reaffirm I'm not lying, or showing them I only deal 15 damage per strike etc. I am not necessarily arguing for rusty only but SWORD only is the most important thing. Even if someone is using a donor sword, 28 damage, you still aren't at that much of a disadvantage using a store sword that's like 23 damage. I'm not trying to discriminate against people who got the fancy swords or the pay to win swords, I just literally want a sword only game code. This system of " rusty only " and having GM's try to moderate it is ridiculous and I have argued fgunz should have a sword only code for many years, I believe I suggested it before when I was staff.

Originally Posted by reformed View Post
add flip plz