Originally Posted by Bunny View Post
I know it was put off because scrollable chat was implemented and that was enough; but a long time ago when I made the suggestion to add functionality to the chat box when it only had 5 or 6 lines that once gone, were gone, the suggestion was made of multiple parts.

one of which (which is not mentioned here) is to add chat tabs that one can click. If someone is going through the chat, and have their mouse on screen to control the chat box, why not add a separate tab (kind of like maplestory if anyone played it).
In this context, such a chat could have tabs like:
"All" (for all messages)
"General" (for only general chat)
"Whispers" (just for whispers)
"Chats" (for /chatmake conversations)
"Killfeed" (for deaths/kills)
"System feed" (like joining/leaving, kicks performed, [Notices], suicides, basically the green stuff. Kicks performed would still appear at the bottom center but also in chat to prove kick abuse).

It seems like this is THE MOST end-game goal for enabling maximum functionality of the chatbox.

Hmm something I suggested too similarly this would be great benefits player/staff everyone would be a great feature