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  1. #1
    SunRui's Avatar sun rui

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    Suggestion type:

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    create limit per player for how many mines they're allowed to have active within a map in non team based modes. (8 is max in bounty mag, 10 max in donor mag with mines equipped both item slot). placing mines when you're above max mine capacity should remove older mines.

    mine isn't problem in TDM because every player has x placeable per round; yet modes without teams (deathmatch) almost every part of map can be covered by mines by 1-2 player. mansion deathmatch typically have mines in every doorway, and if you're in basement you are trapped unless you purposely die. they're typically on all hp/ap/ammo spawns, doorways, corners, and chokepoints; which is okay & how they should be used. but i think it's annoying when all these parts of the map are inaccessible due to one player having complete control over the map.

    can care less for dying to clear mines in a deathmatch mode bc idc KDA, but it is uninteractive to have to kill yourself just to get out from part of the map because there's no limit to how many mines a player is allowed to have active in a game mode without rounds.

    players tend to get frustrated & try to kick the miner in these modes because it's simply not fun to play against.
    i think mines are ok on their own; they just get out of control fast in these modes & become overtedious to play around in a fast paced game.


  2. The following 3 users say thank you to SunRui for this useful post:

    Cid (02-14-2023), Love Donna (02-13-2023), waLu (02-13-2023)

  3. #2
    Junior Member

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    Good luck Professor Sunrui. This wouldn't be the first time being suggested and it'll probably get little to no attention just like the other times. But I applaud you for your well thought out, beautifully presented and organized post.

    FRT: I think the mine limit per player should also be included within tdm modes as well. That way it can remove the usage of running double mines which would get rid of the mine spam/camp my spawn strats (or at least dumb it down a bit) but it absolutley needs it within deathmatch modes.

    Maybe for deathmatch once the player dies their mines are removed also, if your original suggestion isn't favored that is...

    i think it's annoying when all these parts of the map are inaccessible due to one player having complete control over the map.
    One? Every deathmatch has at least 3 people spamming mines. Maybe decrease the mines ammo capacity for deathmatch rooms? So instead of being able to run 5 mines x2 you can only run 3 mines x2. And then for TDMs keep the original 5/10 limit.

    I agree that the main problem is people spamming them in doorways/super tight choke points, not the fact that players can throw so many out in deathmatches. It really kills off deathmatches quickly. Maybe rework the damage that mines deal and have it so that the closer a mine is to that same players other mines the less damage it does. That way it would discourage players to throw so many so close together.

    Hopefully this issue gets taken more serious than it has in the past. No more "just make EX rooms hhhhhhh" responses.
    "Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

  4. #3
    SunRui's Avatar sun rui

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    Originally Posted by Desecration View Post
    Good luck Professor Sunrui. This wouldn't be the first time being suggested and it'll probably get little to no attention just like the other times. But I applaud you for your well thought out, beautifully presented and organized post.

    FRT: I think the mine limit per player should also be included within tdm modes as well. That way it can remove the usage of running double mines which would get rid of the mine spam/camp my spawn strats (or at least dumb it down a bit) but it absolutley needs it within deathmatch modes.

    Maybe for deathmatch once the player dies their mines are removed also, if your original suggestion isn't favored that is...

    One? Every deathmatch has at least 3 people spamming mines. Maybe decrease the mines ammo capacity for deathmatch rooms? So instead of being able to run 5 mines x2 you can only run 3 mines x2. And then for TDMs keep the original 5/10 limit.

    I agree that the main problem is people spamming them in doorways/super tight choke points, not the fact that players can throw so many out in deathmatches. It really kills off deathmatches quickly. Maybe rework the damage that mines deal and have it so that the closer a mine is to that same players other mines the less damage it does. That way it would discourage players to throw so many so close together.

    Hopefully this issue gets taken more serious than it has in the past. No more "just make EX rooms hhhhhhh" responses.
    looked through suggestion threads and couldn't find anything for this.

    i think what u suggested = too complicated of a change for no reason, and your suggestion to change the mines damage / proximity kills the item completely

    i don't think mine themselves need any changes. they're not inherently broken or tedious to play against in modes other than deathmatch. apart from that they only really viable on garden + AnD.

    in garden + AnD people play with diff items; if people are going to camp there r items like molotov/nades, rocket, nade launcher etc to bring people out of their bases and defeat the mine strategy. most players don't do this in deathmatch because u only play for urself; not a team so u really only bring meds to heal or mine to kill ppl.

    my opinion = the issue with mines solely exists in deathmatch because there's no cap to how much control of the map the item itself has; and mines weren't a problem until they were changed to give kill credit to the player. mines being used in chokepoints is fine; but it's irritating when practically every chokepoint is blocked off by mines until somebody dies to them because there's no way out and players have no limit to the amount of mines they're able to place in the game.

    regarding mine damage, i am ok with them having a small nerf to dmg but i don't want the item to become useless


  5. #4
    New Member

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    i'm pretty sure there was a dropped item cap that included meds and mines, limiting how many can be placed before older ones despawn. I don't know why it was removed but bringing it back i think solves the issue you're mentioning.

  6. #5
    GjaGta's Avatar Gva

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  7. #6
    Ommadawn's Avatar Bird + Trash = ?

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    Originally Posted by zerojjxx View Post
    i'm pretty sure there was a dropped item cap that included meds and mines, limiting how many can be placed before older ones despawn. I don't know why it was removed but bringing it back i think solves the issue you're mentioning.
    There is a limit but we're talking about 100 mines/meds or something like that, not entirely sure what's the exact number. I agree with this suggestion, just to show what he's talking about, all of this was done by 1 player:

  8. The following user said thank you to Ommadawn for this useful post:

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  9. #7
    Cid's Avatar Highwind (wetdream)

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    I think mines should be limited to one or two per clip max, and they should expire after maybe 3 or 4 are placed. It's nothing but 100% pure cancer, in no way have the landmines improved GunZ gameplay in any way, regardless of gametype or how they are used. The landmines are exclusively a hindrance to player enjoyment, and amplify the worst and most frustrating aspects of the game.

    Get rid of them all together, or HEAVILY limit them. People being able to mine off one hallway? Sure that's fine but joining a room that's been going for a long time and has nearly every spawn point HEAVILY landmined, especially on a high falling risk map like Stairway is so outside of the definition of fun and enjoyable, so outside of what GunZ players actually want.

    Here's an example of why mines should be permanently removed or heavily limited

  10. The following 2 users say thank you to Cid for this useful post:

    SunRui (02-15-2023), waLu (02-15-2023)

  11. #8
    Bunny's Avatar woof.

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    Originally Posted by Ommadawn View Post
    There is a limit but we're talking about 100 mines/meds or something like that, not entirely sure what's the exact number. I agree with this suggestion, just to show what he's talking about, all of this was done by 1 player:
    It's 120

  12. #9
    Cid's Avatar Highwind (wetdream)

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    Originally Posted by Cid View Post
    I think mines should be limited to one or two per clip max, and they should expire after maybe 3 or 4 are placed. It's nothing but 100% pure cancer, in no way have the landmines improved GunZ gameplay in any way, regardless of gametype or how they are used. The landmines are exclusively a hindrance to player enjoyment, and amplify the worst and most frustrating aspects of the game.

    Get rid of them all together, or HEAVILY limit them. People being able to mine off one hallway? Sure that's fine but joining a room that's been going for a long time and has nearly every spawn point HEAVILY landmined, especially on a high falling risk map like Stairway is so outside of the definition of fun and enjoyable, so outside of what GunZ players actually want.

    Here's an example of why mines should be permanently removed or heavily limited

    Or you know what else you could do to make landmines less horrible for all? Get rid of the stupid ragdoll effect.

  13. #10
    waLu's Avatar 💀

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    it is kinda funny watching doorways blocked by mines in Mansion. but i get what ya mean.
    • i'm trying to ego in a 20 year old game that we gain nothing out of.

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