Originally Posted by justRelax View Post
I believe this is intended behavior, the smoke damages when it is smog, but doesn't damage when its clearing up or fadding away.
I understand the reasoning, but having it act that way, imo, makes them almost useless and only useful for blocking vision(like anyone actually uses smoke nades to begin with). Also, if that's the case, then why do you still get hitmarkers that do no damage? Clearly if I get a hitmarkers,that means the player ran through where the smoke dealt damage, therefore they should still recieve that damage (lag or not).

Not much sense in throwing a smoke nade with the intention of doing damage, when the spot that does deal the damage is so small that if you don't throw it in the right spot at the right moment then chances are you'll only get 13 damage at best.

Widen the AOE of the smoke damage if you dont plan on making all parts of the smoke/fog deal damage. That way you still can use it to flush players out of hiding and be able to use it to obscure vision as well. Win win!