Originally Posted by degijas1 View Post
Thats a cool idea! Maybe they can atleast try and add it for now and adjust it later. Atleast get it rollin. This would be something for the kstylers to use also. A non aoe single person weapon, i dont see this as annoying or something that can destroy the game. Most gun games now adays all have throwing knives anyways. You can have elemental throwing knives along with a marking knife, the marking knife when hit upon an enemy can let your teamates do extra damage than usual. This can improve TEAMWORK overall.. and itd be fun to headshot someone wtih a throwing knife. Lol
Yea I love your idea of a throwable item that marks enemies to encourage more team work (the game needs teamwork incentives desperately). But I feel like it will just get used by those who don't play along with the team to have easy ESP when chasing enemies / 1v1 fighting in tdms.