Originally Posted by Armani View Post
2 bugs that need fixing:

Kicks Disappearing
-Kicks disappear shortly after starting. Some players can't vote or see who was kicked.

Kicked for going to game room
-This seems to only happen sometimes, so I assume it's a bug? Sometimes the kick will go through when you go to the game room. Probably a side effect of getting kicked when leaving a game (avoiding kicks).

Kick System Suggestion
-Personally, I don't understand the current kick system. Sometimes we get a pop-up box and sometimes it's a list of names. The pop-up box prevents you from moving/playing, so I think removing that entirely would be best... But any consistent system would work.

I don't seem to understand any of your concerns.

1) The vote disappears once you've voted or if the person was kicked / left the room. There is a message in chat notifying everyone who was kicked.

2) When a kick vote is running against you and you leave the game, you get kicked. This is intended behaviour to avoid dodging kicks as you mentioned.

3) Whether there's a box or a list depends on the size of the room. If there's more players in the room than the list can show, it shows a popup box to make a selection instead. This is also intended behaviour.