Originally Posted by Amamin View Post
Giving someone the equivalent of a 10 cent coin for simply participating in an event isn't likely going to put a sour taste in anyone's mouth. The aim is to increase participation because events are simply more fun the more people there are, but like the OP said some players get discouraged because more players = less chances of winning. So what happens is that they play, for example, Dodgeball event with 16 players because they don't mind losing in it but wouldn't join the following Gun Game event, not because they don't enjoy it, only that they enjoy it less. So now the player count for that event decreases, which further discourages other players who would have played Gun Game if there were more people to play it with. So me personally, I'm very much in support of the x10 idea. That little incentive to keep participating I think might be enough to retain player count better.

Like if you join 100 events at all then shit I think you deserve being given that 10 event points at least.
Whatever brings in more traction I guess. I personally have never attended an event except once or twice so my opinions really don't add up to much. I do think the items in the event shop need some attention because i personally would not attend/grind events to activley collect the event items. Maybe the blue rocket and a melee item with the highlights, but other than those items there's not much to grind for. But that's all just personal opinion and taste.

The only person I ever see actually using event items is Zec and maybe a purple crown here and there.