Originally Posted by Jordan View Post
We're open to feedback and questions, We always take everything everyone says into consideration, I never stated that High ELO players were subjected to being hackers but merely they are the ones who usually have a deeper understanding of the game mechanically.(These users would be Pain and Bunny)

And im not saying youre reporting hackers now cause yall arent and thats the biggest argument im trying to convey. You guys are chasing after hackers but arent sharing the evidence to support theyre hacking. Ive said it a bunch of times if theres more evidence theirs more chances it that you see irregularities.

Said in the last 3 posts

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Also, Thanks for the reply. I understand that you take feedback and questions seriously, but it's concerning to hear that the evidence we provide may not be enough to support our claims of hacking.

It's good to hear that you are open to feedback and questions. However, it's important to acknowledge that the community's frustration with the reporting system may stem from a lack of transparency and clear communication regarding how reports are handled and the evidence needed to take action.

It's understandable that the lack of evidence provided by some players makes it difficult for moderators to take action. But it's important to remember that the burden of proof lies with the moderators, and it's their responsibility to investigate reports thoroughly and make fair and objective judgments. Clear communication and transparency about the reporting process can help improve the trust and cooperation between the community and moderators. <As a GM, responding with "stop crying because the player is better than you" to reports of hacking is not only unprofessional but also dismissive of the legitimate concerns raised by the players. It sends the message that the GMs are not taking the reports seriously and are not willing to investigate the issue.