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  1. #1
    freeaimford's Avatar Mid Tier Veteran

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    Apr 2024
    Suggestion type:

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    If someone has a lot of extra godlike weapons but doesnt have a certain godlike weapon that they are grinding for, there should be an option to trade in godlike weapons in exchange for the weapon you would like. For instance, i have 10 godlike weapons on my female and 8 godlike weapons on my male character, but dont have a godlike sword, i really want one and have been grinding for well over a month now trying to get one. still no luck, but i got 3 godlike weapons today, and ive had players get a sword on my items. It would be really cool if i could take those 10 godlike weapons and exchange it for a godlike sword. I dont feel that would take away from the people who grinded for it, and if its 10 godlike items for one, i feel thats reasonable in comparison. its not pay to play because you still have to earn the godlike weapons and youre exchanging more items for less. thank you for your time.

  2. #2
    Amamin's Avatar Babyboi

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    Mar 2021
    I feel like the biggest downside to this is that most godlikes questers get are absolute trash, e.g. godlike jjangs and low PVE x1 mgs that are even worse than mythicals. The only quest gear anyone uses is the strongest one they have, so every improvement makes the previous items useless. Putting it that way, in that instead of 10 godlikes in exchange for 1 godlike, it is really more like 10 useless godlikes for 1 useful godlike, so imo your suggestion wouldn't work.

    But yeah I definitely agree that the grind necessary is just way too much and it feels like the game doesn't respect the time you put into it by filling your inventory with useless rares and legendaries, so I think a better solution would be to rework the Sacrifice mechanic. Honestly I don't even understand how it works and this old thread is the only thing I found when researching about it, which states that it affects the ilevel of the drop but doesn't do anything with the rarity of the drop. While ilevel is still important, I'd much rather it affected the rarity of the drop, where the higher the rarity of the item sacrificed, the lower the percentage of the drop being any lower than the item you sacrificed. Say for example you sacrifice an Epic, then the chance of the quest drop being Common, Uncommon, or Rare become lower, thus the percentage of your drop being an equivalent Epic or better would be greater.

    That way, it doesn't feel like all the hours you sunk into questing are wasted when you eventually fill up on inventory space and have to one-by-one delete all the useless quest items you've gained over hundreds of hours of grinding, but you'll still have to do more grinding to capitalize on that advantage you earned.

  3. #3
    New Member

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    May 2023
    Whats the point of questing if u can get items trading?

  4. #4
    freeaimford's Avatar Mid Tier Veteran

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    macondo, maybe you arent reading correctly. i am not suggesting trading. im suggesting in the in game store or inventory, an option to exchange a certain amount of godlike items for a weapon that may have been elusive to you individually. i have grinded for well over a month and have every godlike type but a sword, i could exchange 10 godlikes for a godlike sword. Thats not trading, and im still grinding (even longer actually in this case) for the weapons without having an upperhand on others who have grinded just as much as i have.

  5. #5
    freeaimford's Avatar Mid Tier Veteran

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    Apr 2024
    thank you for your input i appreciate the discussion

    it depends on how you look at it, i use different godlikes for different bosses, for instance, in school quest it is more conducive to use a dagger over a sword, and when riding goblin king kong,m its easier to use one mg. i dont understand what you mean by it wouldnt work, honestly the speculation on what wouldnt work could be easily tweaked to the point where it could work very well.
    maybe not be able to redeem the useless godlikes like flamethrower, grenade launcher, jjangs, clothes dont apply since were just talking about weapons. also maybe you cant exchange until level 99 or level 99 with one rebirth. then maybe having to pay 50-100 donation coins to be able to exchange. or even make a ticket system where you have a chance on top of gl drops, a 0.1 chance to get a ticket where you can redeem 5 of them or something for a gl item of your choice, all damage and ilevel would be random across either method.

    there are many different implementations that could work very well and not undermine any work other players have done, especially if they make the stipulations large enough. im just sayin, im grinding and grinding and have 11 godlikes on my female now and not one sword in sight. this would be a nice solution.

    youre right, most every reward in bosses are useless or junk. i dont even know why flamethrowers, grenade launchers, jjang are on here, maybe jjang for a "title" i guess but most rewards unless its mythical or gl is useless or not worth it. whats more, the sacrifice system is pointless as well. even if you sacrifice a weapon, chances are youll lose it, and the difficulty is raised ridiculously high even for lvl 0 weapons. it could be even better if a few things were revamped. Thank you for your insight i appreciate it!

  6. #6
    New Member

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    May 2023
    Imo that's the fun thing about quest bro, ive been hunting a good weapon longer than you but i wouldnt change 10 swords for it, it wouldnt be the same.
    Last edited by macondo; 6 Days Ago at 09:58 PM.

  7. #7
    Supreme leader

    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Sure, i'd give away a level 1 godlike single mg for sure lol

    help me get followers ;3

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