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  1. #11
    FGunZ E.L.I.T.E Member

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Be prepares this may get long.

    Back when I was 8, (I'm now 16) I played around....find a game, play it then move on eventually. First it was runescape I played on a membership. Eventually I moved on to a game called There (A game similiar to second life) then to a game called OZ (A rpg fishing game) While on vacation I found gunz on a list on a rpg site called RPG Troll. I began playing and fell in love. So simple, so fast paced, so fun, it had all the elements of leveling up and equipment that i loved but in an action format. My first level was station (Yes I remember.) I also began with the name Dakata. Igunz went on for a few years before a hint of a private server was born, which soon shut down because it being the only one Maiet shut it down quite fast. Soon however ijji took over and everyone played the beta with quests. I remember everyone got a bug buster coat fire element and eventualy the gray dust uniform for free for a limited time. Eventually I began using google more often and found Legacy Gamers and began playing. I played on LG for maybe 1 to 2 years....I lost track in how much fun I had. Evenually I moved on to DR Gunz. While their I grew moderatly famous and was in clockwork back when it was a good clan. Soon killbot, and killerbot both talked to me about HN GunZ, Long story short on that section, I began playing this series of servers back before McSic, Sniper, and Gucci ever started playing. Soon though it moved to Hack Coders....but that shut down (This will sound egotistical but people thought I was the best back then. I did however play better then, then I do now.) After HC shutdown I played brittle bullet gunz..........which had the most potential due to the shear talent of the owners (Sorry guys they were extremely good at this stuff even macintosh was involved.) However that failed to after jumping to random servers.....Satan Gunz.....X Gunz....I found FGunZ a remnant of the past 2 servers of HC and HN where I finally became a gm/dev.

  2. #12

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Originally Posted by Jakanadin View Post
    Mystery = Pro FGunZ Story.
    Rofl xD but its a true story O_O
    Always laugh when you can. It is cheapest medicine.

    " Join The Army, Visit exotic places, meet strange people, then kill them. "

    Originally Posted by Forsaken
    "So long as I'm here FGunZ will never die"
    Just to let everyone know, I broke the rules by trying to put a "Ban this user" button in my signature, and put a link in it. I am very sorry, and apologize to all of you.

  3. #13
    Vixen's Avatar Donator

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Okay so where to begin....
    May 2006 I started playing WoW, I know big nerd. I got bored really fast so I typed in MMORPG on google a couple MMO sites came up I clicked on one and I got " Become a Hero In the MMOTPS, Dress to kill" I forget the site but it was whatever, It took me to Ijji, I played ijji for 3 months spraying and slashing away with a dagger then I kept getting raped over and over again, It turns out my brother in New York was playing the same game, so when he came to visit and saw me Playing he was like WTF???? i was like " GUNZ FTW" he was like "no Wai" so then he showed me his skills, he could tbfrss I was amazed how many kills he got in one game, so I was like TEACH PLOX? he gladly taught me all he knew, I didn't quite get most but he tried, and I learned only up to DBFSS so with that he went back to NY, we played alot till I was like 69 and I wanted premiums, and i was spending 20+ every week or so on prems, so I googled Free Prems and A top 100 site came up, I click on one that said Free Prems and had a Attractive Banner it just so Happened to be LG, so after lg fell, I went back to the top 100 and saw F Gunz, and the rest is history.

  4. #14
    Grascen's Avatar Original Elite

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    May 2009
    One day, my friend(you guys would know him as Ibandude), wan't to show me a game. He told me the name once, but I ended up forgetting it. I remember how I thought it was kind of fun, but didn't know if I wanted to play it. A month later, he showed it to me again. This time, I asked him what it was called. He answered, "Ijji GunZ." So I downloaded it, and started playing. Now, this was a few years back. I started playing and easily caught up to my friend, level-wise. Right around level 14, I started to get bored. The basics of K-style were becoming more common, and I was too lazy to ask how to do it. Also, I wanted to level, and quests were impossible, back then.

    Then began the week of hacking. I had gotten so bored, wanted to get the Battle Axe from the Lizard King, and wanted to level up, that I started hacking. My friend decided to help me, so we would only hack quests together, or help out other noobs in quests. I quickly got bored of solo leveling, and decided to try to play legit. Being a level 40 with a Battle Axe and Darklord pants who couldn't k-style at all quickly labeled me as a hacker, so I would either get egoed, or kicked from games. I devoted a few more days to hacking to help noobs, then I quit GunZ to start playing Diablo 2.

    A month later, I somehow learned of LG GunZ. I was on the game for about a month, and there is were I learned K-style. I got good enough to join an apparently well-known clan named .:/REJECT\:. (I say well known, because a few people would stop me ingame and tell me how cool my clan was). Then LG shut down. That wouldn't stop me, though, so I started back up on Ijji GunZ.

    Coming back to Ijji GunZ was a little akward. I noticed how annoying hackers were, and so I spent a few weeks trying to make up for hacking by reporting all hackers that I came across. I think I reported somewhere near 30+ per week. I then got better at K-style, even good enough to do a good DBF. I met many people, but eventually got bored again, so I set out looking for new P Server. Found FGunZ. I couldn't play for the longest time, though, because of a stupid error that would crash my game whenever I shot my guns. I never really played the game, but stayed on the forums, because I liked the community. I then became bored with GunZ again, and quit.

    Came back around a month or so, later. Forgot all knowledge of K-style, so I picked up the dagger. I was a devoute D-stylist for a good 3 months or so, until I met LegendTommy. I met him in a Attack and Defense game. It was him vs. 9 players. Having some extra G-coin left over, I told him that if he won the round, I'd donate a hat to him. He won. I gifted him a Grey Dust hat(which he wore for most of the rest of his time on Ijji). We became fast friends, and I picked up K-style again. I became well known on Quest 1 and joined StausQuo and the remake of Hazel. After both those clans failed, I quit GunZ again.

    Eventually became the forum moderator. Later on, when I got bored, I tried FGunZ again, and liked playing it a lot. Currently at level 82 and own a donor dagger and donor shotgun(both items were donated for by friends). It's kind of an odd story, but not a bad one.

  5. #15
    Specticle's Avatar Beast

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    May 2009
    One day i was at school and me and my friend were talking about maplestory, and he says " maplestory kinda sucks, you shuld play gunz." So i went home and tried it, i failed. I stoped playing for like a week, then i started again and i could do a little bit better( like a bf ). Then i stopped for 1 year, and then i found Freestyle gunz. I started that, and i sucked so bad. Then i stopped for like 2 years. Then i started again, and here i am now ;P
    Specticle - Enemy - 78

    PSN ID: SpecticIe

  6. #16
    Hellish's Avatar The Dagger Walker

    Join Date
    May 2009
    Well, I used to play when the first gunz was out. International. I was Shihouin on there. And then made the name Hellish later once they restarted everything, I was all D style because everyone was using Swords. I thought I would be Different, yay. Well, I was. I didn't even know what the **** a Wall run was, when I did it. I was all ecstatic and crap. Then I started to mess around more and got better and better.

    I was tired of then winning, my spot was the basement, NO one could beat me there. Then I eventually made the name Hellish and trained with her Single battle vs All everyone that I was crazy and thought, Oh, free kill. Well, they were right until I got so good I could fight a room full vs me. I was well known when it came to Ijji. I was the first on International also, to make the first DAgger clan. Original name as well. "Dagger".

    Then my friend in Life, Jaka, I showed him and basicly advancing a year or so.. I trained him. And he was kind of mad at being beat by a girl all the time. But anywho. I eventually got sooo good. I kind of got bored of the game. People said don't quit because there was no other D styler that could fight like me, so I stayed a bit, stopped playing, went to other games and partied in life, blah blah blah. I came back rusty, but became good again. Kill kill kill..

    Then went to HERE! And brought Jaka with me eventually I was getting sick of IJJI for being so unbalanced. And not doing crap with the dagger. I made Dagger a Legend I think. But anywho. Then a lot of crap happened in life.. ._. still is. and I quit gunz. And here I am as a Mod for the Fourms. I hope to come back soon.
    Last edited by Hellish; 06-09-2009 at 09:47 AM.
    You give the pleasure, I give the pain.

    [12:19] msn/[email protected]: you always win
    [12:19] msn/[email protected]: ur to smart XD
    [1 Minute Ago 04:41 PM] Kyuu: God Hellish my Idol.
    15:47 <kjellieboy07> hellish is to pro for fgunz
    13:37 <Hellish> StephanM a god.

  7. #17
    StephanM's Avatar 🌹

    Join Date
    May 2009
    My story:

    2 Friends played gunz (ijji) and they talked sometimtes about it and told me to download it, I downloaded the game was lvl 15 or something that day and I said to them: "This game sucks..."
    But like a week later I was bored so started gunz again and liked it much more (because I killed the whole room I was playing, and I was a sprayin' nubby <3).
    Later I modeled some how (dunno how I ended up @ ragezone lol), and MacSicccyy! asked me to dev for Fgunz so ended up here with you peeps.

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