Originally Posted by TwisT View Post
Alright guys, higher staff wants us Mods to crack down on enforcing the forum rules and regulations.

This means we have to start being less easy-going.

I'm posting this to help you not get muted, infracted, suspended, or even permanently banned.

Try not to do the following: (RED means avoid at all costs because it's a very common mistake.)

-1-3 word posts I see these the most. We can infract you for each one of these. This is ONLY allowed in the introduction/goodbye section of the forum.
-Double posting
-Triple posting
-Off-topic posts
-Arguing with members or staff
-Useless threads
-Porn in the chatbox
-Making multiple accounts or sharing accounts

This is your warning card. Mods will not be so chill when it comes to these offenses anymore. But it's okay because if you've read this thread, you know what to avoid.

Apologies in advanced if you take any offense to this, but things need to improve.
question when u say Arguing with members or staff.... can u plz clear it up a bit im confused.... can we state our opinion on the event and can we tell what we feel ? o.o or is that arguing?