Originally Posted by TwisT View Post
No no Rash. You can ask any mod to merge a post for you if that happens, I'd be glad to. NOT EVERYTHING ON THAT LIST IS INFRACTABLE. They actually range from degrees of punishment. Double posting is not infractable anyways, just something to remember not to do. If it happens, then we fix it, not too big of a deal ya'know.

Yes Taylor, of course you can state an opinion or to a certain point even argue or debate on a subject. The type of arguing posted above is in a mean or hurtful nature. Maybe even trying to disagree and make a scene with a staff member after a decision is already made for the well-being of the community. This is not to say that you may not speak out against it though. Everyone has the right to at least stand up for wrongful actions or power abuse. This means don't flame or rage at them if something doesn't work out, basically.
"Maybe even trying to disagree and make a scene with a staff member after a decision is already made for the well-being of the community"
ugh o.o so basically dont troll? and dont rage but if u disagree with something be nice? o.o