Originally Posted by Jakanadin View Post
Same Weiipeiik. I miss our old days as very good friends. Back when I were a regular member . It'll be nice to actually not have to be a horrible asshole now .

To Ragnarok AKA Mio AKA Byakuran, ehh, it's no big deal really. All this is doing is freeing up a major amount of time I never had before. I fought with my parents all the time due to me moderating these Forums. Turned down time to hang out with friends due to these Forums. It'll be nice to finally be able to get things done without having to worry about Moderating. I'm sure McSic and SuperWaffle will pick someone good to replace me. Do not worry.
You Don't need to moderate the forum ALL the time, why can't you trust us mod and show you what we can do? you don't have to be stressed, fight with your parents just to go see fgunz forum like everyday, why don't you take a break instead of making a big decision like this x_x